Chapter Seventeen: Explanations

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Chapter Seventeen

            I wake up to sunlight streaming in the window, another beautiful day. Too bad, lately the days that are just gorgeous go horribly for me. Hopefully this one will be better, it is Saturday. No Training; no having to see anyone.

            I push myself out of bed, like most mornings. I was feeling a little better; I stayed determined and didn’t cry so I look like myself again. I still don’t feel like myself though. I need to get past all this drama and become regular old Dri again not the emotional wreck I am right now.

            I go into the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror, I was right I look fine. No tears streaked my cheeks, my skin was back to its normal color; no longer flushed red, my eyes looked bright but sad. I guess, that’s what being Immortal does, your body wants to look perfect on the outside as soon as possible.

            I brush my teeth and run a brush through my hair, letting it hang loose again. I exit in just my pajamas, I’ll get dressed later—if I have to.

            Slowly I take the stairs down to the main floor.

            “Dri, you have a guest,” Skylar shouts from the living room.

            “Who?” I ask.

            “Just come here,” She says back.

            I walk into the living room cautiously, I have a pretty good idea of who it is, but I just can’t flee right now. I glance around and my eyes fall on my ‘guest’ it was who I thought it was.

            Skylar pulls me into the other room and starts to whisper to me, “She just showed up and she refused to leave without talking to you.”

            “I don’t want to talk to her,” I respond.

            “Are you sure?” Skylar asks. I know she thinks I should talk to her.

            “No,” I admit. “I will, I guess. Just to hear what she has to say but if she pisses me off she’s leaving.”

            Skylar smiles at me, “Fine.”

            I walk into the living room to face Chloe. She gets up from where she was sitting, her dark hair flying behind her as she briskly walks over to me.

            “Dri, I’m so sorry!” She says, trying to give me a hug.

            I push her off of me, “Don’t.”

            She looks hurt, “I didn’t mean for it to happen, I went over to his house because I thought you might be there.”

            “His house? Why would I be at his house?” I ask

            “I heard you two talking last night,” Chloe says

            “Still why wouldn’t you come to my house first?” I ask. “And you just go there and start kissing?”

            “I don’t know,” She says.

            “You don’t know what?” I ask with venom in my voice. This was pissing me off, she told me yesterday that she didn’t like Damon and the next day I find her kissing him and I’m just supposed to be fine with that? I’m sorry I don’t like being lied to.

            “For both, I just went over there we just started talking, I got up to get a drink and I was coming back, I fell into him. We had this moment when are eyes connected, then he leaned down and kissed me,” She was smiling at the memory.

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