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"Sam, Tucker, this is gonna be the best spring break in history. Of course, not like the other stunk, cause they didn't. Spending my vacations with you guys are the best any nothing will get in the way of it," I said. My friends nodded. We've spent most our breaks and vacations together, so this wouldn't be different.

...Boy, was I wrong.

Sunday morning, my sister, Jasmine, had woken me up at five to tell me my trip to Scotland was cancelled because we were going on a "family bonding" trip to Gravity Falls. Now I was officially ticked off. Jazz did this on purpose so she wouldn't be stuck with dad for the entire spring break. Oh well. There's always summer. Of course, Jazz officially ruined Scotland for me. Me, Tucker, and Sam were going to have a blast. And now... Its all downhill from here. Things couldn't possibly get worse.

Wrong, again.

I officially hated spring break. We were leaving today and I complained to Tuck and Sam. Boy, did this stink. "You guys seriously are going to go to Scotland without me?" I growled. Sam shook her head. "Well, Danny, we won't because Jazz ruined your life-" she started. "And we are not going to go on the Phantom's Enemies list," Tuck cut in. But I smiled. Tuck always makes a person happy with his jokes... was it even a joke? "So, you guys gonna be ghost free without me?" I joked. Sam smiled. "Yeah, but Gravity Falls won't be with you. But we'll miss you," she said.

*An hour later*

"Ready to go, Danny?" my mom asked. I nodded. "Jazz?" Jazz nodded. "Well, then. We're ready to go, Jack!" my mom called. My totally overweighted dad came running down the stairs. We all got into the "car" and my dad took off, me waving to Tucker and Sam. My first vacation in years without them. This was going to be fun. Not really.

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