Barack Obama X Mitt Romney

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The fuck, people?

We specialize in genuine, authentic lemons, not this shit.

But whatever, we'll do it.

I might but I dunt wanna ;-; ~BlackGravity.

barkoli ebema leekd ovr @ mt ramen and sez 'hey bby u wana du sem sax' and mt ramen sez 'ok barkoli les du des' an den mt romni clumb ento beed en su ded barkoli an mt romny and barkoli has fan undr teh covrs an adlt staff heppen an los o monin and mt romni sez 'i luv u bby' n barkoli ebema sez 'i luv u 2 now les goo beck 2 wat wee wer doin liek prezdent staff' an mt ramnee noded en keeled heemself en barkoli sez 'oh nu bby i luv u so mach' en baroli cris en cris n if u go in ur anus den u can c barkoli crin 2 dis vry dey

dee end

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