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No one's POV

It was the day of the Teen Choice Awards and Laura was excited. She had been picking out her outfit for a week straight trying to look for other options but she came to wear a blue short yet not so short dress, it was transparent but had another layer of clothing beneath it. She blowdryed her hair and curled it at the tips, her mom had braided a strand of her across the top of her hair, Laura couldn't look any more beautiful.

Meanwhile, Ross and his family were also getting ready for the awards. Rydel picked out a short, hot pink dress and decided to let her hair down. The boys decided to wear some jeans and a random shirt, they wore the same colors. It didn't take them long to get ready so they were on their way to the blue carpet in less than half an hour. On their car ride to the arena Ross had been looking through his twitter line. He found his brunette co-star, she had linked a picture and without hesitation he clicked it, it was Laura posing with her blue dress, she looked drop dead beautiful, he stared deeply trying to take in every detail, she has never looked so beautiful, well to him she did, every single day. The band noticed Ross's concentration and they all laughed, this caused Ross to look up and grin a little. He turned off his iPhone and went back to the conversation his siblings were having.

Laura's POV

As my mom and I were sitting on the backseat of my dad's car, I decided to take some pictures with my mom just for the sake of it. It was my first time going to an event without Vanessa, well actually no, I'm lying it's not my first time but the other times I've been accompanied by either my cast mates or Vanessa, this time it was neither. I couldn't help but feel some type of nervousness growing inside of me, what was I so nervous for? Haha, Laura you know exactly why you're nervous. Ross, his siblings and Ellington were going to be there. I felt a jungle going on in my stomach, forget the butterflies. "Laura, sweetie, we're here." my mom softly said pulling me back to reality, I gave her a small smile and we started getting off the car. I made my way towards all of the interviewers and other celebrities. "Laura!" someone called my name, I looked back and slightly smiled, it was Brittany Valadez. Her and I have had a few interviews before and she was pretty cool, I walked towards her and we greeted eachother. She got her camera and microphone ready, I giggled a little bit, then came the questions. "So Laura, how would you describe your friendship with Ross?" she asked. Really? Out of all of the possible questions she's going bring Ross up? I shook those questions away and tried to give her a sincere answer. "Well Ross and I are complete opposites so I honestly don't know how that works out," I giggled a bit at the thought of it and continued, "he's really funny, sweet, caring, and we just have a blast with the cast." Brittany gave me a big smile, "You are aware of Raura right?" that caused me to cringe a little, I was so shocked with her forwardness and thought about it for some seconds and nodded, "Well you know, at first I used to think that it was this friendship name that they gave Ross and me but I guess I was wrong, there's these mountains in Peru and they're called the Raura mountains and I think they're beautiful." I grinned a little, nailed it. I saw a puzzled look form on Brittany's face, I suddenly felt a heavy weight on my shoulder, I looked up to see that it was Ross, "Oh look it's Ross!" I said trying to sound excited, reality was that I felt really embarrassed, was he listening to my interview? Brittany's eyes grew wide and I heard Ross smirk. "Were you ladies talking about me?" he asked, he obviously knew we were. I tried to look away to hide my embarrassment. "Well actually, we were talking about Raura." Brittany corrected him, not like it made anything better. "Oo! I wanna answer some questions!" Ross jumped up like a little kid, I rolled my eyes, could this get any worse. I saw Brittany nod and turn the mic to him, "Ross what can you describe your friendship with Laura?" she had asked. I put all of my attention to Ross, I was interested on what he was going to say, I saw him glance to me and then look back at Brittany, he opened his mouth to answer, "I think Laura's very energetic, she's always jumping around on set and she's just a bundle of joy and I find myself blessed to be working with such an amazing actress like her. She's actually funny but I think it's just because she's a really big dork. She's also really outgoing and what's not attractive about that? She's always complimmenting people and although it gets really annoying sometimes, it's very refreshing, she's really cute." I felt my cheeks turn hot and tried to look away but what was the point? They obviously caught me blushing on camera. I decided to not stay quiet, "Hey Ross, so Brittany here wanted to see if she can get your number." I said  obviously playing around, I just needed to avoid all those butterflies Ross had just gave me. He smiled, that beautiful smile that made me melt, "I would give it to you, I mean I totally would but I'm trying to keep this 'sticking to one girl' thing at the moment." he joked around, well at least I thought he was. Brittany giggled and asked the most obvious question, "Who's the lucky girl?" again, I payed attention to what he was about to say, he opened his mouth to say something but Riker had been calling him. "Sorry I have to go, it was a really nice interview!" He waved goodbye and left. I turned back to Brittany, all of her attention was now on me. "Well Laura I guess I've bombarded you enough, by the way you look beautiful!" I smiled wide, finally  she changed the topic, "I know you are but what am I?" I replied. She laughed and we said our goodbyes. I got back to my parents and we got ready to sit in our spots.

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