This book is my first official story so there are some things that would annoy me:
1.This is a fanficton it is not true..It is also my own idea so if the exact same thing is happening to someone don't think I'm directing it at you personally.
2.Don't go around potty mouthing my main character she was created as a form of entertainment so don't name her flaws because she is made that way for a purpose.Also I see natalie as Bae and I see myself as her no I have not lost my dad but he hardly takes notice of us and is never home so I classify him dead to me.Any hateful comments towards my character then very colorful language would be directed towards you and I will report you.just kidding (no I'm not)
3.if you wanna chat or something PM me I don't bite even though I'm classified as a vamp.
4.Please don't tell me that I have stole some one else's idea.I will not entertain pyschotic bhehaviour and if you don't like the way my story will be written stop reading it rather then reading it then bitching around about it.
5.I'm a really a nice person unless you get on my bad side and I wouldn't recommend you getting on my bad side because I'm very short tempered.
And last but not least I hope to be interacting with yourl in the future....