Part 1: Introduction

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As (y/n) sat on her bed, she wondered on what she should do. Her summer vacation started a few days ago, and she was already bored. She pulled up her computer, and looked on YouTube to drown away her boredom. She was in the midests of her third video, when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" She called out.

Her father opened the door. "I'm making cupcakes, poppet, would you like any?"

She nodded franticly, "I would love some cupcakes, papa!"

"Ok lovely, I'll save you some."

"Thank you papa!"

He smiled, and exited my room, shutting the door behind him.

She went right back to watching her video. About 5 videos later, she heard some loud shouting. She tried to drown it out by turning up the volume, but the louder she turned up the volume, the louder the shouting got. She was blowing her brains out at max volume, and the shouting just got louder and louder and louder. Fed up of the noise, she angrily paused her video. She got up from her bed, and shuffled through her dresser drawers. Finding what she needed, she stomped down the stairs. Once she reached the bottom she saw her sibling fighting, she lifted up the gun that she brought from her room. She raised it to the ceiling, and with a deep breath, she fired.

The seconds after the gun shot, everything was still. Her two brothers slowly turned their heads towards her, pure shock etched on their faces.

"Sis........?" Allen whispered, slightly scared. The sunglasses that were perched on the top of his head, fell down to lay perfectly over his crimson eyes.

Matt didn't say a word, only glared at her with his tired violet eyes.

Oliver peeked his head out from the kitchen. "Is everything alright?" he asked, then quickly hid back in fear, seeing the smoke from the gun, which was still in the air.

"Yeah papa, everything's fine!" She called back.

Yes, (y/n) lives with the 2p FACE family. She is the youngest of the four others, but her power is equal to theirs. When mad/irritated, she is terrifying. She usually kills with a gun, but, like her papa, she also enjoys using a knife from time to time. She has (length) (color) hair, and a pair of (color) eyes to match. She is (nationality) and 14 years old.

Allen is 18 years old. He has rust-like colored hair and an annoying cowlick that sticks right up at the front of his head. His eyes are a dark crimson color. He is a bit of a man whore, sleeping with every girl he can. He usually kills with a baseball bat that is covered with bent, rusty nails. He is American.

Matt is 18 years old. He has long dirty blond hair that he usually wears in a low pony tail, he also has a very irritating curl that sticks right out the side of his head. His eyes are a rich violet color. He usually kills with a hockey stick. He is very irritable, and quite often violent, but would never, ever, intentionally hurt the ones he loves. He is Canadian.

Oliver is 28. He has strawberry blonde hair, and baby blue eyes with small specks of pink in them. He is very happy, and hates cussing with a fiery passion. He either kills by poisoning cupcakes, or by stabbing his victim with a knife. He originates from Britten.

Lastly, their is Francios. Francios has very long dirty blonde hair, and dull violet eyes. He is gruff, and often sleeps. When awake, he usually smokes and drinks wine on the couch. When not doing those things, he is looking around for a new kill, as we all do. He usually kills with a broken wine bottle, but not before raping his victim. He is French, and 34 years old.

As you, my dear reader, may have noticed, (y/n) have a very 'odd' family, but that is just the beginning. Venture forth to see what the future holds for our dear girl.

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