Mickey Hargitay Death

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September 16, 2006-

Mariska was feeding her three month old son August and enjoying a rare moment alone with her newborn. Peter was on the set of a Broadway play he was filming which left Mariska home alone with their son.  She loved Peter dearly and knew without a doubt that she could not have gotten through the past three months without his help but she loved just having time with her baby boy. She was nursing and August was wide awake looking up at her with his big blue-green eyes just as content as could be.

"Hello my sweet boy" she cooed and tapped his nose gently "Do you know how much your momma loves you?"

August just grunted In response which made Mariska laugh "I'll take that as a yes."

Just as the baby stopped nursing and she was getting ready to burp him, the phone started ringing. Thinking it was probably Peter, Mariska sighed and went to pick it up. He had called a total of five times just to check on her.

"Peter I told you we're fine babe" Mariska answered laughing lightly not bothering to look at the caller I.D

"Mariska honey it's mom" her step-mother Ellen said through the phone. Mariska could tell right away something wasn't right.

"Mom is everything okay?" Mariska asked concerned but trying to keep calm "How's daddy feeling today?"

There was a long pause before Ellen tearfully answered "Mariska sweetie that's why I'm calling you father...he um....he's gone honey."

Mariska felt like the wind was knocked out of her and had to grab on to the counter to keep from falling with her infant son in her arms.

"What? No he can't be...he was fine two days ago." she said trying to hold back tears

"He hasn't been fine for a while honey, he just didn't want to worry you seeing that you just had the baby and all." she replied sniffling "I'm so sorry, I wish I was calling to tell you that he's fine and that he'll be able to watch little August grow up..."

Mariska could no longer speak so she just hung up the phone. she went back to the living room and sat on the couch with August in her arms. She held him close to her chest and began to sob. This all felt like some sort of sick joke, it didn't feel real. But in her heart she knew it was, her mother would never lie to her about something like this.

She sobbed for nearly an hour while clutching August to her chest. The baby sensed something was wrong because he was soon wailing as well. He didn't like it when his mommy cried, it stressed him out.

After what seemed like forever Mariska finally stopped crying for the time being and went and was able to get August to fall back to sleep. She took him and put him in his crib then went and picked up her cell phone. She needed to call Peter, she needed to let him know before someone else did.

She sent him  text letting him know to call her when he got a chance. Five minutes later her phone rang and his picture popped up on the screen. She sighed deeply trying to contain her emotions.

"Hey honey" she said softly biting her bottom lip to keep from losing it right then and there.

"Hey there gorgeous" Peter reply happily "How is my beautiful wife and handsome little boy?"

Mariska could no longer hold back her tears and began to sob softly holding her hand over her mouth to try and conceal the noise, but Peter heard it right away

"Mariska, baby what's wrong?" he asked concerned

Mariska tried to speak but all that came out was heart wrenching sobs which scared Peter more than he cared to admit

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