The Mission

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liebing : darling

tut mir leid: sorry

mein gott: my god

knorke: cool [slang]

du warst spitze: you were super


"I feel like a Spartan mother preparing her child to go to war," Amy remarked.

"You mean more like my pimp." I replied, pointing at the bed. There were a colorful smorgasbord of costumes, g-strings, sex toys (!!!), garter belts, ropes (why in the world did she have that!), and towering Louboutin platforms.

"Welcome to the House of Ames summer collection 2013!" Amy faked a Parisian accent, raising her two hands.

Side note here:  Amy comes from an acting family, and takes an active role in our noted Drama Club, which puts up regular performances in the town.  Already, there has been noted clashes between her and the Drama teacher over how low she goes on top and how high she goes below in her outfits, much to the delight of the increasingly male audience. Amy has probably single-handedly raised ticket sales for the club since joining.

We surveyed all before us.

"I was thinking maybe I would wear my cheerleader uniform from freshman year, you know, before I came into my boobs?" I wondered aloud."It would be tight and way too short."

"Nah. It's too expected. He sees you in your cheerleader uniform almost everyday. Maybe later..." Amy rubbed her chin, casting a critical eye on some of the more garish costumes. I was going to be dressed for this important mission of Unlease-Ethan's-Sexual-Repressions-and-Reduce-My-Work-Assignments by my now obviously more experienced best friend, who very naturally appointed herself this role. However I didn't think I was daring enough to attempt one of her more outrageous attire in public.

We had massive amounts of fun trying on several ensembles, posing and pouting in front of her mirrored-wall. I especially liked the one where we dressed as french maids with frilly aporns and even feather dusters to match.

"Do you think I should send a photo to Ethan? To build up the expectation?" I asked.

"I think most guys will fap themselves to death at some of these photos," Amy said, camera rolling through her iPhone gallery. "Look at this one where you wore the cheongsam with the insane slit on the side? It's da bomb. You should wear this when you actually do it."

"But nah," she continued. "and you know why..."

Amy is against sexting in general, because one day she is going to become a famous Hollywood actress, and her ultimate nightmare would be some disgruntled ex selling a naughty photo to TMZ or some trashy tabloid magazine.

"... and besides, why ruin the surprise?"

In the end, we decided that given the import of the situation, it would be best if I stuck to the basics, and just wear nothing under a hooded jacket and running shorts. It would also be an easier cover because ever since Qin caught me that day, she seemed to be sticking her nose into my business.

I didn't understand her misgivings. Ethan was not some heavily tattooed drugged-out rachet. In fact, the more I thought about it, I think my parents would support our relationship, if it actually came to happen.


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