Journey of two Hearts! -will be cherished forever (A National Bestseller)

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Anuj is an extrovert and a person who admits to never wanting to fall in love. But as is with life, there is never surety in getting what we want. And following a prank played by his friend, Maddy, he comes in contact with Pakhi, a beautiful girl. He is completely unaware of this since he has not seen her yet. Maddy's online prank soon blossoms into an enduring friendship.

Anuj and Pakhi share a happy relationship as they traverse the world of Internet together most of their waking moments. Here author, Tiwari does a tremendous job of invoking the cyber voice that is trendy and is a realistic portrayal of conversations that the youth are embroiled in. He has chapters using this same etymology and some of them are titled “Love@Google”, “I am your MP3” and “Message for you” among others.

They finally meet after months of correspondence and when they do, Anuj and Pakhi don’t have a choice in the beating of their hearts as they have already fallen in love with each other. Their meeting strengthens their love but complications are just around the corner. The relationship he shares with Pakhi is an infinite journey and so he holds strong. As the author himself shares “Loving someone is not tough but the real courage, is to forget your loving one.”

Spread across 53 short but gripping chapters, the novel traces the journey of Anuj and Pakhi’s hearts as they change each other’s lives. It was first distributed freely in college campuses before being brought into the commercial publishing domain. It was published in 2012 by Srishti Publishers.

Here, the journey starts

Who says, luck is written by God, I just checked it’s still editable.

As I can remember my school days, I prepared an English speech for the Republic day and in the mid of the speech, I forgot those tough English words which I mugged for the whole day at home.

People started laughing. I felt like crying when my own classmates laughed at me…but one thing always supported me when nothing worked, my mom's promise…NEVER GIVE UP, my best teacher ever. However, that day was written in the dark night, nevertheless, I couldn’t control my feelings and cried at the next moment. I never discussed that horrible and awful day with mom and dad as I thought they would shout and feel bad.

I always wanted to do something different from the crowd but how and what to do, that was a big question. When I was a kid, I used to say to my mom, ‘I want to do something different in my life’ and every time my mom slapped on my face and I was back to my studies.

I started my life with a very normal school. When I grew, my family decided to make me a good ENGINEER. However, luckily that spark was somewhere in my mind, when I left the home for my engineering. I had enough time to think about my life and future, months passed away but I had the same thought to do something different but how and what to do…still that was a big question, nothing changed. Everybody was running in the race of engineering. I tried to think something different as I read a great line in my childhood that said, ‘Lotus flower grows in the mud.’

It was tough to win the Ashoka’s battle alone and then that spark was about to collapse and I started dreaming to be a good software engineer. Life seemed gold-coated iron.

In this journey very dramatically, I fell in love with Pakhi. Pakhi the name under which my love life started, the name which was everything; when I say everything that means everything which we could imagine to grow our golden nest of love.

Life has two sides, good and bad, as we all know. When I was happy, that time I started jotting down our golden moments on the paper with a wish to gift her all those moments together…the time we’ll get married.

I just wrote for her but few situations came in my life and I became an author of my own life. Moreover, when my life taught me as its best student and gave me so much pain then I became a motivational speaker.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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