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Ava's P.O.V

I was standing around with my friends the day before junior year started, waiting for the new people to show up.

"There better be hot guys." Anna complained, "I'm tired of immature assholes."

"Same."  Ashleigh sighed. I looked around until I spotted him. My breath got caught in my throat as I took in the three divinely gorgeous male specimens in front of me. Leading the group was a tall, muscular boy who radiated authority. He looked like the good all-american guy who was a leader. To his left was a sandy blonde boy who looked like he had lived on the beach his whole life. And lastly, on the right, was the last boy who absolutely took my breath away. He was tall and lean, more of a swimmer's build, with jet black dark hair. His lip piercing glistened in the sun and his expression was bored. Anna and Ash seemed to have noticed them too because Anna wolf whistled as they came closer.

"My prayers have been answered." Ash silently thanked the heavens as she and Anna slinked over to the trio. I followed behind them, suddenly growing shy.

"Hello." Ash purred seductively, causing the leader to smirk, "Welcome to St. Gabe's. I'm Ashleigh, but you can call me Ash. These two are my friends Anna and Ava. We thought you guys could use some helping hands."

"Hi." he replied, "I'm Zeus, these are my brothers, Poseidon and Hades."

"Wow, your parents must really like Greek mythology."

"It's a family tradition. Both my parents are named after Greek legends."

"Cool. I'm guessing you guys need to grab your schedules. We'll show you to the office."

As we walked into the school building, Ash continued to flirt with Zeus as Anna started to talk to Poseidon about the beach nearby.

"So I guess we're the odd ones out." I laughed nervously. He looked like the kind of guy who smoked and played in a heavy metal band. I was fascinated by his helix piercing. I wonder if it hurt? I sure as hell know mine did.

"Yeah, whatever. Can you just show me where the stupid office is?"

"Uh." I was taken aback by his rudeness, "Yeah, follow me."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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