Runaway (Harry styles fan fiction)

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[this is my first fan fiction so I'm sorry if it sucks so please just bare with me in the first few chapters. I promise the story itself will build]

1st Chapter: Blaze's POV

I crossed off another day on my calendar. September 23. I sigh quietly to myself and close my eyes.

5 years. It's been 5 damn years since I've been in this hell hole.

At least it's better then staying where I was before this place. Anywhere is better than where I was. And now looking back on my old life, I wonder what it would be like if I stayed. Maybe things could have changed or maybe they'd be the same. But I can't take it back now. I doubt my parents would even recognize me if I showed up at their doorstep.

"Dinners ready!" Mindy, one of the volunteers, yells from downstairs.

Within 5 seconds everyone in "my" room is jumping up and talking about what we're eating tonight while making their way to the kitchen.
(I say "my" room because it really isn't. I wouldn't call a crowded space with 9 other girls my room.)

I scrunch up my nose.

Never will I ever eat the food they give us. It's always greasy and fattening. Except for the pizza, that's the only thing I'll eat that they cook. But today I don't have to deal with these people.

Gemma's picking me up so we can go grab some food together. I smile to myself, wishing everyday she could pick me up so we could go somewhere. Anywhere but here. Oh if you haven't noticed Gemma is my best friend. Ever since 3 years ago when she first started coming here to look after the younger kids. She noticed me one day, sitting outside on the steps up to the Foster building. And ever since she started talking to me about....... anything really, we've been like sisters.

"Might as well get ready while no ones in the bathroom." I mumble, gathering my only pair of skinny jeans I have that are long enough and an oversized sweatshirt I stole from one of the girls that used to live here. That's really what I usually ware everyday because I have no clothes.

You know how they always say that Foster homes will provide clothes for you? Yea they really mean about 3 shirts and 2 pairs of ragged old pants. And plus I think they expect me to get a job to earn some money because I am one of the oldest kids here but that's not happening. I'm so lazy and I honestly I don't care what I look like anymore. I used to get so caught up in looking perfect for everyone until one day I realized there's no one that I need to impress. Why have to ware dresses all day when I could be in sweats or loose jeans?

I quickly get my bottoms pulled up and my shirt on then put my brown wavy hair into a low side ponytail. Grabbing my blue and orange Nikes, I trot down the stairs but don't make it far before a certain red head stops me. "And where do you think you are going?" She questions me.

"Mind your own business, Alani." I snap at her. Everywhere I go it's always "What are you doing?" "How long before you get back?" "I'm gana tell Mindy on you and you'll get in trouble" Alani is always looking for an excuse to get me into trouble.

That's why I can't wait until my birthday. I turn 18 next year and that means I get to leave because the state of New York won't take care of me anymore.

Collage isn't an option because I have no money so I really don't know what I'm going to do though.

"I'll Make sure Gemma gets you back in time." Mindy says, coming out of nowhere, before I practically run out the door.

Like always Gemma's car is parked across the street. At least that's what I think until it starts turning around and pulling up to the curb.

A few seconds later she pops out of the passenger side with her silver purse she always has. She gives me a warm smile before leaning down to talk to whoever the driver is. "Pick me up at 9:30. And please, Harry, don't be late." She shuts the car door.

"Your brother?" I ask, glancing at the black car starting to drive away. She nods, walking over to me. She's told me about him before, but I've never actually met him. From what she tells me he seems like a pretty nice guy.

"So where would you like to go today?" She asks me politely. I shrug.

"Whatever you want. You're buying." I say with a smirk.

She returns my expression. "Good because I'm having a craving for sushi. And I found this new place I wanted to try! That's ok with you?"

"Of course. I'm following you so go ahead and lead the way." I motion to the side walk. This is what we always do. She drives here in her car and we walk to the places we like to eat. And it's not inconvenient because the Foster house is located at the center of town, in walking distance of basically everything.

"What shall we do after we eat because we have about 2 and a half hours to kill before I have to leave." She says starting to walk.

I follow closely behind. "Maybe we could just go to the park and talk? I don't really feel like doing anything."

"Sure that would be nice. I need some time to relax before the plane flight." She continues walking but this time she's looking at her feet.

I put the pieces together in my head. "Oh. You're going back to England to visit again?" I frown, slightly disappointed. Gemma does this sometimes to go visit her family back in Holmes Chapel.

She nods looking at me. "It's only for 2 weeks this time so I'll be back soon. I'm leaving tonight. That's why you heard me telling Harry not to be late because he needs to borrow my car and he's my only ride to and from the airport."

"He's not going with you?" I ask curiously. I know it probably sounds weird that I'm asking about him, but I couldn't help myself.

"Nope not this time. He'll be going next month because this month he has collage classes to finish." She says as we round a corner.

She turns to me with excitement in her eyes. "That's the sushi place! It's to die for, Blaze." She looks across the street to a little one story building that has a sign on the front that read "Sushi on the rocks."

"Don't worry the food is better than it's attire." She smiles.

I raise my eye brows. "Well if it's to die for then I must die happily while eating it!" I giggle out and she joins me, laughing too.

***Please tell me what you think! (: I'd really like some criticism too because I want to improve my writing in anyway so don't be afraid!***

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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