Part 1: Getting Acquainted

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It's the first day of senior year and I can't believe the girls are already flirting with every hot guy they see. As usual, I am walking through the corridors ALL BY MYSELF. Typical Kelly. She always does this every beginning of the school year... ditch me.

I rummaged for my phone in my bag when it started vibrating.

"Hey, I'm really sorry I couldn't go with you to-," I cut her off before she could continue.

"It's fine. I knew you weren't gonna show up, anyway. It's been like a tradition every year." I chuckled

I heard her snort on the other line. "Am I that predictable? Well, I'm really sorry. I'm gonna make it up to you, I promise. I gotta go. My mom's gonna flip when she knows I'm still home."

"Okay, good luck with that." I smiled and shook my head as I hung up. She really needs the best of luck because if her mom isn't terrifying, I don't know what is.

I continued walking and went to my first class. Looking for an empty seat, I decided to settle at the back, which is where the only empty seats are, apparently.

I looked around the room where all of my classmates were talking to each other. I felt like an outcast. It sucks being a loner! Where is Kelly when I need her?

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" I turned to see whom the voice came from with my eyebrows raised. The guy just smiled at me with his perfect, white teeth. Saying that he's cute is the understatement of the century! He's absolutely gorgeous. He is probably the epitome of perfection.

"No." I smiled back as I watched him settle down. And I just kept staring at his face, and staring, and staring...

He looked at me with eyebrows furrowed, "You don't mind, do you?"

My eyes widened, "Huh?" I blinked and snapped my head to face the board before you could even say 'busted'. "No, not at all," shaking my head, trying to hide the blush that was clearly evident.

"Alright" he chuckled.

I mentally face palmed myself. That was embarrassing!

Five minutes later and the teacher came in. "Good morning, class. I am Mr. Berkeley, and I will be your English teacher for the whole school year." He wasn't really your typical old teacher. In fact, he looked younger, probably early 20's, good looking, too. "As for your first assignment," and all of us groaned. He just smirked. "As I was saying, your first assignment will be an essay about any of Shakespeare's work. I want them submitted two days from today."

Moments later, an older woman walked in, handing a piece of paper to Mr. Berkeley before telling him something which only both of them could hear and then left.

He scanned the sheet, "It seems that we have a new student. Mr. Parker, please introduce yourself in front of the class," searching for the said Mr. Parker until the 'hot' guy sitting next to me slapped his lap with both hands, leaning forward to stand up.

As he walked in front, all the girls were checking him out in awe. Heck, even some guys, except they were wearing a scowl on their faces.

He cleared his throat and smirked. "Hey, my name's Dylan. Me and my parents just moved here last week from Colorado." he paused and then shrugged, "So, yeah. That's about it." he said nonchalantly.

"Okay, if you don't have any questions for Dylan over here," Mr. Berkeley looked at Dylan before continuing, "He may n-" he stopped and nodded at a blonde girl, which just so happened to be Rachel, the head cheerleader, who was raising her hand. Surprise, surprise! "Yes, you."

She raised her right leg and rested it on top of her left, "Are you single?" she said with a seducing smile.

Dylan smirked, "Fortunately for you, I am."

Squeals from most of the girls filled the room instantly, you would think pigs were being butchered. I rolled my eyes. I should have known. No guy with his looks and body would not be a player. Total turn off!

Rachel stood from her seat, "As if you girls have a chance. He was talking to me," with a raised eyebrow, she wore an annoying smirk.

You can have him! He's all yours! I thought to myself.

Mr. Berkeley cleared his throat. "You may now go back to your seat, Dylan. As for you," he looked in Rachel's direction, "you may sit down." She rolled her eyes and did as she was told.

When Dylan went back to his seat, and Mr. Berkeley started saying stuff I couldn't care less about, I started doodling on my notebook. I decided to draw the eiffel tower.

As I was making the finishing touches to my eiffel tower, someone poked me at the side. I ignored it and continued doing what I was doing.

Poke! Poke!

"What?" I hissed, turning to my left. Dylan looked at me and then to the front.

"Is that clear, Ms. Clark?"

My eyebrows raised and my eyes widened as I turned to look at Mr. Berkeley. "Huh.. what?" my mouth half open.

He shook his head, "You will be showing Dylan around the campus since he is new here, are we clear?"

"Uhh... I can't... I..." I tried to come up with a valid excuse but... I had nothing.

"I can volunteer, Mr. Berkeley! I'm always available." Rachel hollered in her seat.

He dismissed Rachel's suggestion, "Why can't you, Hailey?" he waited patiently for my reply.


"Yeah. Why can't you, Hailey?" Dylan mocked. I glared at him.

"I have to make that essay." I reasoned and flashed my biggest smile.

Well, let's just say Mr. Berkeley knows me too well. "Hailey, I know you could finish that essay in a flash. You've been on top of every class. So, I don't think showing him around would be a problem, right?"

I exhaled deeply. "Fine." I forced a smile

The bell rang. "You are dismissed."

I stood up, grabbed my bag, and made my way out the door. I sighed, thinking that I had lost him.

"Hey, wait up!" I groaned inwardly and turned to see him catching up with me.

And when he finally caught up, I faked a smile. "Hey... What's up?"

"You are supposed to be my tour guide, remember?" he said, pulling his bag higher on his shoulder.

I took a deep breath and exhaled deeply. "Okay, to your left, that is the biology room. When you go straight ahead and make a right, you will see the cafeteria. If you go further, you will reach the parking lot. But if y- " he looked at me flatly. "What?" I asked with a what-is-it-now look.

"You're supposed to 'show' me around, not tell me the directions. I could as well get a map." he said, sarcastically.

I smiled, "Yeah! Good idea! You do that," giving him a pat to the shoulder and started walking. He rolled his eyes and followed me.

"Why are you hostile towards me, anyway?" he asked while walking by my side

I stopped and so did he. "Am I?" narrowing my eyes and faking shock

He studied me for a moment, "Ha! Very funny." realizing the tone of sarcasm I had.

I rolled my eyes

So... I just wanted to try writing a story. If it's not that good, you can go on with your lives. Haha. But if you think there is a very slim chance of it being interesting, please do tell me. I will gladly update a new chapter. That's all for now.

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