It Began In A Bar

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"Ugh. I cannot believe I'm here alone." Jennifer whines to herself as she pushes back the hair in front of her face.

She's sitting on a stool at a bar in Manhattan, finishing off her Dirty Apple Martini and was pretty much the only one at the bar. Everyone else was grinding on each other or making out on the dance floor. The waitress walks by from behind the counter.

"Oh um, e-excuse me." Jen stutters.

The woman looks up and smiles.

"Hi, um, can I get another Dirty Apple Martini" Jen tells her before the waitress even has the chance to say "Hello".

"Yes ma'am!" The woman replies happily.

Minutes later she places the drink in front of Jennifer.

"Thank yo-"" She trails off awkwardly as the bartender walks away.

*7 minutes later*

Jennifer gets up to go to the bathroom.

|Jennifer's POV|

"Still not drunk." I say to myself as I walk out of the stall.

I wash my hands and straighten the short, white Ralph Lauren dress I was wearing. I looked at my face in the mirror. Noticing my makeup has worn off a bit. I grab my silver clutch and take out my mascara and eyeshadow and reapply it. I smile, satisfied with my appearance. Putting back my makeup I get into a deep conversation with myself. I think, "Will I ever get married again? Or fall in love with a really great guy and have a long lasting relationship even?" I keep thinking and confuse myself as I walk out the door and back to the bar.


"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I look down. Not making eye contact with the person I just bumped into.

"No. It's fine, really." A man with a deep raspy voice says.

I notice his hands are on my shoulders and my arms are smashed against his chest. I take a step back and look at the man.

"Jen?" He asks confused.

I look at him intensely, trying to figure out where I've seen this guy.

"Who a- Wait?" I place my hand on my forehead, "Jus- Justin Theroux?" I look up at him.

"Ya! I don't know if you remember but we met in 2007 on the set of Tropic Thunder." He says with a smile.

"Oh yeah!" I say excitedly.

"God damn he is sexy." I loudly whisper.

"Shit! Oh my god. I just said that out loud didn't I?! I, I'm sorry." I apologize profoundly.

"Yes. Haha. Thank you, by the way." he winks.

I start to blush and look down.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Justin asks.

"Yeah. That would be nice." I say smiling.

*20 minutes later*

Justin pays the bartender and we stand up. I start to grab my things,

"Would you like to maybe go to a restaurant so we could talk more? And well, where it isn't so loud." He laughs.

"Or we could go to my house." I suggest. "Ya know, because it's more private there. Paparazzi wont bother us." I save myself from sounding like I wanna have sex with him, which I do, but it don't usually put out on the first date.

"Sure, yeah that would be easier." He agrees.

|Justin's POV|

*At Jennifer's house*

I walk in after her and gaze around her mansion.

"Wow, this is one of the most beautiful houses I've ever been in." I gasp, stunned.

"Oh, thank you! Remodeling was finished just 4 weeks ago and that lasted over a year, so I'm very excited I'm actually living here." She smiles.

I lock the door as I watch her walk to the kitchen.

"Red or white?" She asks.

"White, please" I say as I turn down the lights to a romantic glow.

Jen looks up at me, smirking.

She brings over the glasses of wine and we sit down on the couch.

After about 45 minutes of talking about work, and life, I say, as I look into her eyes,

"You really are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

A big smile spreads across her perfect cheeks, she blushes and looks down, "Thank you. That means so much."

When she looks up at me I move my hand down her arm. I can tell she is nervous.

"It's okay Jen." I whisper.

She nods her head reassuringly, and I place my fingers on her chin, gently pulling her closer to my face.

Our lips meet. I slowly and gently kiss her. I decided to not do tongue yet, she's too perfect and I wouldn't want to scare her off.

We part as Jen begins to speak. "Mmm." She breathes. "Wow" she whispers.

I kiss her again, and I wrap my arms around her. Our lips overlapping. I pull her closer and she's on top of me.

We part again as she smiles and says, "I don't usually have sex on the first date, but you're an exception." She winks.

"I'm probably the luckiest guy on earth right now.

She laughs that sweet laugh of hers. "We'll you're about to get luckier."


|Third Persons POV|

Jen's eyes flutter open.

"Ah." She whispers, the sunlight peaking through the curtains is blinding her. She gets up and closes them.

" Justin?" Jennifer calls walking out of her bedroom, wrapping a silk robe around her.

"I'm in the kitchen." He responded.

She found him setting two plates of eggs and and English muffins on the table.

"You made breakfast, how sweet." She smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2013 ⏰

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