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Hello, I'm Sainou Katsuki
Hello I'm Sainou  Hatsuki.  ( Just bold = Katsukis thoughts just Italics = Hatsuki and both italics and Bold is both. Normal font is the storyline)
And we are twins
What are twins you ask?
Twins are people who from birth, are born with another. Twins are people who are born with another person next to them always, another person who they can always depend on. Especially if your twin is identical to you. It is often said that twins no matter where they are have a sort of psychic bond connecting each other. That's why twins always know when something happened to their other. This story is something that happened to us. We'll start from the very beginning so you can understand.
" Two beautiful twin babies cried next to each other in identical cribs. Their Mother's eyes gazed at the two crying baby boys with nothing but pure love. Her husband next to her was surprised to feel the same never ending love and kindness flow out of his heart, just at the sight of the two crying babies, he smiled at the pure delight of this feeling that which before he had only felt toward his wife. What beautiful twins, was all he could think"
That was how we were born. Next to each other with a loving mother and Father. After a couple of years passed our mother and father realized something about us that was different from everybody else. Aside the fact that we were twins and that was unusual enough to begin with, we were identical twins. Now normally identical twins have some sort of sign somewhere on them that proves them different but the twins Katsuki and Hatsuki seemed to have absolutely no sign anywhere on them that proved the difference between them. Their parents could not tell them apart. Only We could tell each other apart. To Katsuki the one who wasn't him was Hatsuki and to Hatsuki the one who wasn't him was Katsuki. Something also different was that usually according to DNA identical twins may be identical on the outside but their personalities are supposed to be different. This dominant trait did not seem to appear in us. I always liked what Katsuki liked. I always went along with what Hatsuki did. We are both exceptionally smart . However, no one ever was smart enough to tell us apart.
So one day we had a party in our humongous backyard. We were both 5 years old.
Circular tables had been set all around the garden that was at full bloom. On each table was a beautiful bouquet of An array of different flowers and colors that balanced with each other. The garden was separated into different section according to scent and color. Their were many people. Women in their Middle Ages, content with their rich life thanks to their loving husbands, Middle aged Men, equally content with their luxurious life style, beautiful wives and children. The Elderly women and men stayed close to each other, usually walking around in pairs and then settling down to have some small talk with the others. Then the young successful couples, in their early twenties, usually with great big smiles on their faces and loving eyes as they stared at their partner while walking endlessly through the garden. After words the women joined with other woman to talk about shopping and the latest wonderful thing their husband got them and the husbands gathered around laughing heartily close by, remarking at their beautiful wives and about the next polo, cards, or horse riding game. The children came next. The girls were grouped up, separated into the young girls and the teenage/ 9-10 year olds. The young girls mostly playing around with their dolls in the grass, picture perfect with mostly pink dresses and natural curls that bounced when they moved their head. The teenage girls who mostly stood or sat in a circle with elegant dresses that they weren't supposed to be wearing yet, and pin straight hair. They all talked about their crushes and they laughed and blinked flirtily whenever the teenage boys would come by, most of them just thinking " What are they laughing about?"
Or just completely missing the fact that they were there. The teenage boys just played back and forth with footballs on a perfect green field. occasionally they stopped to go get some water in which case they would try not to be seen by the adults who ended up catching them anyway. Mothers scolding them lightly at the dirt on their clothes and then let them go back out again to play. The younger boys mostly played around with their fake swords chasing each other around, occasionally one of them would break out sobbing because he fell on the grass a little to hard, a young mother or grandmother would come over gently sweeping the child up and wiping the dirt of their knees, softly uttering a couple of words and in seconds the child was good to go again. It was a very happy scene everything fit quite nicely. Except for one mother and two twin boys. However only when you looked closely can you tell. A beautiful elegant lady with chestnut brown, long hair and joyful green eyes laughed softly not particularly partaking in the conversation nor completely out of it. Many of the other women, while slightly jealous commented happily on her beautiful spring green dress often saying things along the lines of, " It matches your eyes beautifully Mrs. Sainou "
Or " Where did you get that dress Elen? I simply must have it!"
In which case Elen laughed softly commented a bit, never truly saying who she got it from and then subtly retreating back out into her middle area of not in but not out. On the lap of her green dress were two light sun blond haired twins, with the absolute prettiest eyes you have ever seen. It was what you would call, in that world, mulcorl eyes. Mulcorl eyes is something 1 pair in every one million identical twins have. Only one pair. Mulcorl, their eye color was 2/3 one color and 1/3 was a different color. The twins had 2/3 of their eyes blue and 1/3 of their eyes a thin red, which surprisingly balanced the color of their eyes really well. They sat with their mother mostly still watching and listening to the women talk until they abruptly stood up at the same time looked at each other and then whispered to their mother quietly and walked silently over to their father. Their father who had currently been talking with his other friends about their last pool game, noticed their presence immediately. " Excuse me Gentleman"
Their father crouched down to their level and asked them what they wanted. His blonde hair and ice blue eyes had been a trademark of his but many people said that because of the twins and his wife his ice blue eyes had thawed considerably. The twins told their father,
" We want to ride on our horses to the creek"
They finished each other sentences quite easily and their father used to their absolute coordination nodded and with a smile said,
" Okay, just make sure that you don't fall into the creek, oh and Robin Hood and his Marion is coming to visit to"
The twins smiled happily for the first time at the words, " Robin hood and his Marion "

They readily walked off after tackling their father with a hug, to go get their horse's. Mind you, I don't mean ponies, which are big enough as it is for a five year old, I mean a real horse. When the twins came back they both sat a top of Snow White horse's with identical riding gear. To help their parents out a little in identifying them on the back of their riding shirts they made sure to inscribe their names. They rode pass the small girls playing with their dolls, capturing their attention immediately. They rode pass all of the adults, each one looked up in turn with surprise to see the small boys riding such big horses. Their parents just smiled as they walked past sharing a knowing look. The twins passed the teenage girls and the little boys, and the boys playing football. Each and every head looked up to see who is that on this horse? The twins looked straight ahead smiling inwardly. Mission complete. They trotted their horse's into the lush forest, knowing each turn, each tree, and each animal that scurried a long the path, until they came upon and open green grass bank. Beautiful diamond blue water spilled into the creek with occasional splashes from the small cascading waterfall. The water smoothing over the rocks and gave a song to listen to. The creek was pretty deep for a creek. If the boys fell in at this hight it was just deep enough that they would drown. The small clearing was surrounded by oak trees, with the exception of the one willow tree, a little separate from the others, its branches hung over the creek, slightly brushing the water at each wind. Then there was one Sakura tree in the middle of the clearing. It was beautiful in full bloom. Often times the family would come at night wearing normal clothes that were allowed to get dirty, they climbed up into the middle, surrounded by the cherry pink petals around them, in a comfortable silence. Putting away the happy memories softly the two boys looped the reins of the horses around the nearest tree leaving them to nibble quietly on some of the grass while the two boys ,lay in the middle of the opening looking up at the sky. It was quiet there and that was the way that they liked it. It was the way that they had come to like the world. Besides the weekends and the garden parties or balls that they would have occasionally, the twins almost never saw their parents. Of course at least one of their parents came to tuck them in each night but other then that, each day was mostly silent. The twins together went horse back riding, the twins together would teach themselves how to swim, the twins ate together, talked together, though mostly there was no need to actually say the words out loud. Not once, had one been away from the other, for more then 5 minutes. Any more then 5 minutes and they would go in a horrifying state where they couldn't move and would have nightmare after night mare when they weren't even sleeping. After having been looking up at the sky for a while they got up and spoke simultaneously, " We know your there why are our parents not coming"

The maid that the twins had noticed standing behind the trees slightly bewildered said, " I'm here to deliver a message. Robin Hood and Marion could not make it and they would like for you to come back to the house to do something else."
The twins looked at each other and nodded. " You were spying on us, for us to forgive you you will have to play a game with us first"
The maid nodded hesitantly. " We're going to play the which one is Which game ? "
The maid gulped. " Oh and one more thing your not allowed to guess, we can tell when you do"

The maid stared at the twins intently. She had been warned countless of times before by the other maids and every staff member in the house that when asked to play this game it was  best to think in your mind about how one of them might be slightly different and guess that one. However, this maid being new, decided to actually try. She looked at their eyes, hair line, facial expression, clothing, every little thing about them and noticed nothing. So she answered out loud. " There may never be someone who can tell you two apart, its impossible"

Then she turned and ran away, the black dress of her uniform billowing in the distance.

The twins both remained nonchalant and cool on the outside at those words. In the inside both of them were initially scared out of their minds.Scared, to hear the words that they had almost wished that no one would say, scared that this maids words were true, scared to death that no one would ever be able to tell them apart. Terrified, at that single thought, the more they thought about it the more the maids words seemed to haunt them. They cantered back to the mansion eager to prove the maids words wrong. They went straight to their parents and asked them, " Which is Which? "

Their mother smiled with a slight sign of sadness in her eyes and said pointing at each one in turn, " Your Hatsuki, and Your Katsuki, now go to sleep my beautiful boys we have a long day tomorrow"

The twins eyes opened wide. Their mother had..... Guessed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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