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I will put people into dedications as I get people's help and ideas. Find important people will be in here as well.

My first dedication is to my 2nd mom who passed away on October 26, 2015. You loved to read mom and you always loved everything I wrote. I knew whenever I had writers block you would  ask to read what I had and you would write a paragraph for me to see and continue off of if I liked it and erase it if I didn't. You have cured so many cases of writers block and because of you I have written some pretty fine work (according to my friends and teachers). I hope you are having a great time wherever you are and that you are watching me proudly.. Love you mom...

Another dedication to mikkiemonster11NEW who happens to be my very supporting baby sister. Thank you bug-a-boo.

A special thanks to my best friend Victoria who encouraged me to write a story here in the first place.

To my loving and wonderful boyfriend Kyle who edits all my writing, sometimes even while I'm still writing it haha.

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