Alpha of mine

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I was never really scared of the dark, I never believed in fairy tale or monster, until the day of my 16th birthday party. After that everything changed, but let's not skip the pre-tell. Now let me tell you this story isn't for 6 and 8 year old this is a story about tragic, sorrow, love, desire, happiness and death and also War.


WARNING: This story may have swearing and violence, and sex sense. Please do not read if you don't want to witness these things.


Arora Prov' at the aage 8


"Far away from here in the forest lived the very well-known Adams family. Taylor the only child of the Adams family was kept from most things in the world, never what lay out there beyond the trees of the forest, as he got older thing became more hidden, his parent kept secrets and told him lies, telling him he was human, but wasn't really a human at all... 3 day after his 9th birthday a man came to see his parent, Taylor had heard his mother and father talk of this man. The man was tall, the darkest of black hair, dark eyes that when you look at them you want to hid under a rock and never come out, He looked and felt like a very un-hearted monster that wanted nothing to do with the world and its surroundings. The hored man that slorted his parents was the most fared man in the mysterious world of the super natural world. Taylor never knew what his life meant or would hold in the future, as he looked at his mother and fathers died bodies slumped on the living room floor. Little did he know that in the next couple of seconds it would be his turn and follow after his parents.

'I should gut you, you little mixed breed'". The monstrous man stalked toward him, with hatred in his eyes and blood on his hand and on his t-shirt, his parent blood seething through it. Taylor didn't know what to do, he didn't even know what the monster was talking about. All he could think about was his parents, they were died, he killed then. An unbelievable anger surged through him, clenching his fist trying to calm his rising level of hatred for the monster. As Taylor was about to turn around and run for the hills, the monster quickly grabbed him, hissing in his face.

'Maybe I'll keep you for fun.... Make you wish you were died'. The monster spoke to himself and Taylor, then started laughing. Walking back out of Taylors so called house dragging him along, Taylor started to struggle wanting out of his hold, the monster turn around quicker than a human and back handed him across the face, making Taylors site have white dots and clouding his mind. Handing his head Taylor let the darkness surround him and letting the monster carry him away. The end". Grandma Luckia said finishing her story telling.

"AWWW come on grandma please tell rest of the story please please plleeease". I begged grandmother Luckia. Quickly sitting up and crawling on grans lap.

"Please please gran". I begged further. She laughed and smiled down at me, standing up with me on her hip.

"I can't darlin its bed time and you have a big day tomorrow". She told me sadly, tomorrow i have to leave because i start my first day in year 3 in a couple days.

"Oh come on gran... nothing else stopped you before... please gran". I kept on begging, I really wanted to know what happened in the rest of the story. "What happened after that gran please tell me". I fluttered my eyes lashes and made my puppy dog face, trying to get my way.

"I can't darlin... I don't know the rest of the story no one does". Gran said sadly to me. "But some people say that Taylor was trapped with the monster... but one day he got out and killed the monster leaving his monstrous follower of hundreds of non-human by themselves... but no one really knows". My grand told me.

"Okayyyy fineee I'll go to sleep gran". I snuggled into my metres and curled my dooner around me. Slowly drifting off to sleep, thinking about young boy Taylor.


I was onyl at my grandma's for the holiday's, i had been there for 3 weeks. Now i was on the bus on my way home ot my muma, my papa had died before i was born. It was fun she showed we how to bake a chocolate cake and slo choc-chip cookie.


3 hour later


As i make my way out of the bus, grabbing my bag with my cloths and presinte for muma. Waking over to the public seats waiting fo rmy muma, 10 minutes pass, then 20, then half a hour, then an hour. i started thinking my muma had forgotten me, thinking this tears started to form in my eyes. I saw a figure down near the entrence of the building near the bus stop, were you book your ticket. watching as the figure got closer, then the one figure turned into two, moving a little down the seat so my bags are close to me. Looking closely at the figure i notest that they were police, they seemed to be looking for someone. One of the police saw me, and tapped the other on the shoulder, they both looked at me and bolted my way.

"Are you Arora?". One of then asked me and i nodded to scared to speak. the other one kneals down in-front of me, taking my hands looking me in my eyes. "Honey, your mums been hurt we need to send you back to your grandma's okay....". they told me, i didnt understand why i had to go back to my grandma's, what was wrong with muma?. Tears started flowing down my face, the police man pulled me close and hugged me rubbing my back and says nice things to me, telling me everythings going to be okay. And for a little while i believed them.

4 Weeks later i was talking to grandma about my birthday party and what i wanted to do, if i wanted a party or just a famiy dinner i chose the family dinner cause i didnt really know much of my family. I wanted to know the rest of my family, muma never let me meet them cause she didn't want to travel. Grandma and i had finished our preparing when i was in my room drawing picture the phone rang, answering it quickly.

"Hello?". i talked into the phone.

"Hello it's Doctor Hickers here, is Grandma around? Arora i need to talk to her please". i knew it was bad new, tears formed i my eyes, And slowly one ran down my face.

"She didnt make it did she?... my muma didn't make it?". I demaned.

"Honey put grandma on please". The doctor said kindly. Quickly moving and got grama, she and i ran to the phone. Once the doctor had said what she had to say, my grandma started crying, and kept saying no over and over agian.





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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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