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Warning: Contains spanking and smut


Clarke and Lexa are roommates who are politely friendly with one other. That's all about to change.


"Hm?" She didn't look up from her biology textbook,nor did she stop twiddling the blue highlighter pen she had between her fingers. She hadn't yet gotten to the point in the school year where she gave up on highlighting every other sentence.

"Can I borrow your laptop for a few minutes? Mine won't connect to the printer right now." This time, Clarke glanced up then and saw how thin-lipped her roommate looked. Lexa had braided her thick, curly hair over one shoulder and there was a slight strain around her blue eyes that belied how much she hated having to ask others for help.

From the moment they had met back in August, Clarke had noticed how reserved Lexa was and their relationship over the past two months had been polite but distant. There had been a few flare-ups, like the time when Clarke had brought some of her friends back to the room so they could drink the smuggled alcohol Octavia had gotten from her brother. Lexa had returned from dinner with her own friends and lost her temper, insisting that they leave and take the alcohol with them. It'd been a tense few days before the finally had a talk about it.

She'd chilled a little since then and Clarke tried to be more considerate. She knew what it was like to have that much pressure placed on her shoulders. The difference seemed to be that Clarke had fun for stress-relief; Lexa didn't seem to have any such outlet as far as Clarke had seen.

"Sure, go ahead." She shrugged and refocused on the chapter in front of her. She had to be ready for a probable pop quiz in the morning. Clarke proceeded to highlight another two sentences, hearing the soft clack of keys over by her desk. Speaking of, she needed to remember to print off the proof of purchase for the concert tickets she'd bought earlier, right before she'd...

Oh no. Nonono.

Her heart seemed to skip a beat before it began thudding against her ribcage. Had she left that tab open? The one on the fetish website, which she had used for fantasy material so she could get off before Lexa returned from her last class of the day? Her skin grew clammy as she realized that yes, she had left it open when she'd set her laptop back on her desk and flopped back on the bed to get started on her homework.


Humiliation flushed her cheeks and Clarke didn't dare look up. She must have read the same paragraph fifty times as she chanted in her head hurry up and finish hurry up and finish come on come on come on. The printer rattled to life and began to rhythmically spit papers out, but at what seemed like a crawl to Clarke. She thought she was about to pass out when Lexa finally stood up.

"All done. Thanks, Clarke."

It took a tremendous amount of effort to force herself to look up from her textbook and smile as if nothing was amiss. "Anytime."

Clarke couldn't detect anything in Lexa's expression to tell her whether she was now freaked out by her roommate's porn preferences. She waited fifteen minutes, pretended to read through the last seven pages of the chapter, more willing to fail the pop quiz than show her panic to Lexa, before she closed the book and ever-so-casually stretched as she stood up and padded over to her desk. When she finally rubbed her finger over the mousepad and brought the laptop out of sleep, her browser was open to the concert ticket page. The tab for the porn site was still there, but the only words visible were 'ASHLEY MISB', because thankfully Clarke had the habit of keeping at least half a dozen tags open at once.

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