What is Love?

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 What is love?

Just a strong feeling?

Why do people love?

What's the point of having crushes?

What's the point of falling in love if you end up with a broken heart?

But then again,

Love can be used in other ways.

For example,

I love writing poems.

I have a friend name "Love"

I love my laptop.

I'm a lover not a fighter.

But still...

What is love?

It's used in so many ways.

But there's one way that everyone knows about.

I don't trust that kind of love.


My parents loved each other.

Now they hate each other.

I loved Hannah Montana.

Now the thought of her makes me gag.

Love fades.

But why?

Why can't it stay forever?

So can you please tell me,

What is love?

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