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When he was born, I can never forget how it felt. My wife was holding him so close to her heart, her eyes bright with happiness. Amy is always a happy person, the way she talks show it all, but at that time, there was some kind of happiness I've never seen before. Something serene about it. We named him Joel. Like the word joy, but instead of the letter 'y', it ended with 'el'. I don't know how we came up with that, I guess that's because the face he make when I hold him for the first time.

He's not my first kid. I have two older sons before Joel, Caleb and Isaac, but that fact doesn't make me love him less. If anything, I love him more.

"Careful. Careful, kids," I warn Caleb and Isaac as I help Joel walking by the lake side, holding his tiny hand.

We decided to go to this lake near our neighborhood today. I just feel like Amy and I need some fresh air, spend a little time outside of our routines. Besides, the kids love it too. Joel wont stop giggling while Caleb and Isaac curiously inspect every inch of the small forest surrounding the lake. This place's a little secluded, but it is beautiful.

"That! That one duck almost bit me!" Isaac shouts as he run closer to the bench, holding my wife's arm. He's about six years old, and sometimes his speech will falter a little, like he just did when he scared. I chuckle, now Isaac prefers to sit next to Caleb who calmly throwing piece by piece of bread to the water.

"It's a duck, Joel, say hi to him," I sit near the lake. My hand is holding his and waving it to the duck as I smile watching his happy face. I have a few pieces of bread so I throw it to the water, Joel clapping as the duck eats it. I softly stroke his head, combing his soft hair. There's something so remarkable about him, it's his infinite giggle. I love how he will slightly close his right eye when he giggles, I can see his half showing teeth. Shows how happy he is. I don't know anything more than that that can bring joys to my heart faster.

"More. More," he claps and giggles. I give him another piece, let him throw it just like I did.

"Guys, give Joel some bread," Amy says as she handing a loaf of bread to the kids. I can see Isaac stands up and give Joel the bread.

"Mom, he threw the whole piece!"

"Isaac, you've gotta give him little pieces, he doesn't understand." I laugh a little when Isaac pointing at the loaf of bread slowly sinking in the water. I tear a little piece then give it to Joel, "here we go, Joel, here's a piece. Okay now, you throw it."

Isaac seems not that scared again of the duck and sit next to me. He was busily tearing the bread when he looks up to Amy and said slowly, "Joel almost five, right?"

"Yeah," my wife answers while smiling.

"But, but he can't talk?"

"That's true," I stroke his head slowly as Amy said the same 'yeah' in a lower volume, but I can tell she's still smiling.

"Two year olds can talk, why can't Joel?" there's a normal curiosity of a child in Isaac's voice, although the tone of his question seems like he's trying to ask a little more carefully.

"Well... Joel got sick right after he turned one, um...," I really don't know how to explain this.

"—it kinda slowed him down a little bit, buddy." Amy finished my sentence. I turn to her and mouthing 'thank you, honey'.

"So he's just slower than most kids." Sooner or later we have to explain this to his brother, so I continued answering Isaac, "I think eventually he'll catch up."

"Do you think Joel will read?" I'm happy Isaac seems to care for his brother even though Joel is not perfect.

"Yeah, I think Joel will read eventually." I nod a little to him. My smile grow bigger when Joel giggles again, focusing on throwing his little piece of bread to the duck. He's always so happy, I guess we named him right.

"Isaac, of course, he's just delayed. Because of you know..." Caleb speaks too finally, he was a bit quiet today.

"More!" Joel clapping fast as he looks up to me, then I laugh, giving him more piece of bread.

"You know, there's lots of things Joel isn't good at but there's some things he is good at. What is he good at?" I look at Caleb and Isaac with a smile. Joel is a good brother and I know how they love him too.

"Eating. Laughing!" Isaac answers without thinking. "I am good at making him laugh."

"You are good at making him laugh." I'm nodding agreeably then patting softly at his shoulder. "How do you make him laugh?"

"I fall down," I laugh at what he said.

"It is really funny when you fall down," I tousle Isaac's hair.

"He's good at showing us what he loves," what Caleb said makes me look down to Joel.

He's almost five and he can't talk in a meaningful way, but when he laughs like this I can tell he's feeling good. He's enjoying life, the quality of life, and that's huge. He is good at showing us what he loves, even though he can't talk.

Disclaimer: This story is dedicated to Joel E. Green, taken from the game That Dragon, Cancer

All character in this story belongs to Ryan & Amy Green and Numinous Games

Check out and buy the game here, support the developer 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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