The Beginning

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I had this friend, her name is Mia... Me and her have been best friends since birth (2003), it started with out parents being really close friends before our birth. They were the closest of friends and have been for over 30 years, Mia and I were born one day after another. We never really communicated till a year after knowing each other but we started out as just friends, but we hung out all the time. Just her and I, and at the time we didn't know we would become so close, but we did. We told each other everything and did everything with each other. We use to get into the stupidest yet funniest fights ever. It was always about stupid things like, who's better looking, who gets more food, or who is smarter, but we would just stop, look at each other, and just die laughing. We were closer then magnets connected together. We were like sisters. And no one would come between our friend ship. It was too strong to break no matter what happened. Mia and I were like a married couple. We would be together all the time, we would nap together, eat together, do hair and make up together, just. Everything we did. We did it together. We would go shopping together, go to the park, go biking, hiking, on walks, and festivals together, even our other friends would agree we were a married couple. We were so freaking close that nothing at all could break us apart. We could actually trust each other with every single little thing that happened to us. Back then we use to be called "The Blonde Babe's" (back when I was blonde), we even made up our own little theme song for each other that I can still remember off by heart from when we were 6. We would sing it to everyone non stop and annoy the hell out of people XD we were so adorable.

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