Abbygails P.O.V
He grabs my hand and pulls it to his lips. " I would never let you drown, in fact I would be an anchor if I could," he pauses, eyes widening. " Wait, no, not an anchor. If I was an anchor you'd drown. Aka sinking."
" I got the point, ba- Matt" my cheeks flush red, I cannot believe that just happened.
He smirks " What was that?" I clench my jaw, not really wanting to have this conversation.
" Nothing. It was nothing." I turned my head to see if there were any cars coming from my right. Nope.
" Pretty sure I heard babe almost come out of your mouth." He's now full on grinning just to embarrass me. Maybe I'll flip this.
" Pretty sure I did too," I look over at him, winking before continuing " I mean, you are pretty attractive." His eyes widened at my comment. Luckily we pull into his driveway before he could up with one of his own.
I unbuckle, taking my time. Meanwhile, Matthew was in such a rush. Why? I have no clue. I get out of the car clicking the lock button as I walk up the steps to his front door where he's struggling to get the key in the keyhole. I put my hand over his and help him get it in and twist it. I decided to take it to the next level by whispering in his ear." It was as easy as that." his cheeks flush a very light pink as we walk into the house. I watch him as he heads up to his room, I decide to get something to drink though before going up.
Before I can even get to the kitchen I hear him yell for me. " What?!" Of course I have to yell back.
" We have the business you started to finish!" Oh god no, what have I done.
Romance"Why do we insist on slowly killing ourselves?" I asked out of curiosity. "Well princess, sometimes people have nothing better to do than slowly kill themselves. Almost the same reason why we smoke." He took an extremely long drag from his cigarette...