You're The Best In Every Way

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  • Dedicated to not telling

I can be quiet, and you can be silent beside me, understanding perfectly.

I can talk to you about anything, and you’re always listening.

I can be immature and silly and you can get me..and then you are immature

And silly too.

Even though you are self conscious about your looks, to me, you are


And the real beauty behind it is that you are completely unaware of it.

Being modest is okay, but dear, you are too modest.

You’ve got problems but don’t worry because so do I. We all do.

And whenever I need help with these problems, you’re always there.

I’ve heard people say the phrase, “best friends,” for as long as I can


But we don’t say it that much.

Because they can already tell and we already know.

We are so alike but so different at the same time.

We know each other so well, that it sometimes scares the heck out of me.

In a good way, of course.


Thank you.

Thank you for putting up with me and my strange, little self.

Thank you for always listening, even when I never do.

Thank you for always being the person I can call when the world is falling


And if someone tells me, “You’re my best friend.”

I’ll just say, “Sorry. I’m already taken.”

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