A New Start (austin mahone fanfic)

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This is a story of a girl named ally who's life is about to turn upside down.
she lives with her two sisters and father. she already has a hard time at school and home and now it's going to get a lot harder.

Ally P.O.V
I was just told I have to move to San Antonio teaxs. Which is also where my ast boyfriend moved a year ago. It wasmy worst relationship i was in his name was Max he was abusive  and always put me down. I hope he is not in the same neighhood.

"Ally you ready to go the truck is about to leave," My dad Bily yelled from down stairs.

'yeah one sec" i yelled back taking one last look at my old room that i would never be able to come back to. 

My father, sisters, and I all got in in the moving truck and head on our way. The drive seemed like for ever, but after that long ride sitting next to the most annoying little sister Sara we finally pulled up infront of a huge house.so this is where i am going to spend the rest of my middle and high school life.

My older sister Grace helped my dad start to unpack when a younger lady and her son who look to be about 14 came up to us. I knew from that moment on this was a whole new start to life.

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