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My large wolf wondered around my territory doing my regular run over our borders when I got a mind link telling me they discovered a trespasser around the border I was nearing.

I made my way towards where my beta informed me and caught a smell so alluring I almost couldn't think. I followed the smell and found a small grey wolf standing with my beta and two patrol men. She was dirty, her fur clumped with dirt in some places and she had a leg lifted off the ground because it was injured.

"Shift." I ordered and she stared at me. In her wolf form her eyes were an alluring blue that made my head swim.

I was getting agitated she wouldn't listen to me. Her head dropped submissively and as soon as she shifted she was covered by a blanket to cover her modesty.

"State your name and your former pack." My voice was powerful and even though you could tell the pup was injured, I could still feel power emitting from her.

"Elepis and I'm rouge." She stated in a voice rough and smokey sounding it made my stomach swarm with butterflies before I set them on fire. She's rouge. But she's my mate

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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