Just for today and maybe forever.

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-Yamaguchi’s Pov-

    “Will you please go out with me, Tsukki?!” I ask while bowing down.

“For the hundredth time...no” Tsukki retorts back.

“But why not?!”

“Because I don't like you in that way…”

“But I like you!”

How long has it been since I started asking him? 2 day probably. I don't know why but I think I fell in love with him. Although every time I ask him to go out with me he just rejects me. Am I that unlikeable?

“You better not space out in practice today like you did yesterday.”

“Right…” I give up for now but I'm sure he'll change his mind sometime soon...

-Random time skip cuz I'm lazy-

    “What did I tell you about spacing out?”

“I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself.” I stay quiet and with passing second I seem to grow more uncomfortable.



“Will you go out with me?”


A sigh of disappointment escapes my lips. I stop walking and grab him by the wrist.



“I'll stop spacing out at practice. And I'll stop bothering you. In exchange go out with me for one day! Then I'll do everything I can to stop liking you and leave you alone!”

Only silence can be heard. He looks at me with an expressionless emotion. At this point I can't tell what he's thinking.

“There is not practice tomorrow anyways so if you can give an answer…” I manage force myself to say in order to break the awkward silence.

“If it'll get you back on track then fine…” He says as he turns around and continues to walk.

“For real? Thank you!” I follow behind beaming with delight. I can hardly wait. My first date...is gonna be with Tsukki!

-Another time skip-

    “Over here Tsukki!” I call out. Waving my hands over my head to get him to notice me I smile like an idiot.


“Morning Tsukki! What should we do today? Where would you like to go?”

“I'm fine with whatever you want.”

“Let's to the park! The weather is great so we could walk around” I point out. Just walking next to him makes my heart race. Not only that but he actually smells nice. I slowly start to zone out from thinking about him.

“Hey. We're here so where to now?” The same monotonous voice snaps me out of the daze and I look around.

“Let's take this path. It's the one with the most cherry blossoms.” I continue to walk and become amazed from the many beautiful trees that stand before me. I still can't believe that I'm out with Tsukki! As a small breeze passes by I let out a small yawn.

“Are you tired already?”

“No. I didn't get to sleep that much yesterday because I was so excited.” I give him a nervous smile and continue to walk.

    Finally we reached the end of the trail.

“Let's go get something to eat now.”


Just For Today And Maybe Forever.Where stories live. Discover now