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Natsu's POV

The goal was to make her jealous! The goal was to have Lucy reveal her feelings for me! I explained the whole plan to Lisanna who listened intently. I made sure that Lucy saw every time we hugged and talked, and what did she do? Nothing, absolutely nothing. She just stood there like an idiot with Mira and shipped NaLi. What the hell? It's not NaLi it should be NaLu! How that celestial mage gets on my nerves, and yet I love her anyway.

Lucy POV

Haha that stupid dragon slayer like he could get to me. Little did Natsu know after he proposed the plan of trying to make me jealous to Lisanna, Lisanna just came and told me the whole plan. She was my third best friend after all, she just didn't want me to get hurt. I thought about it but eventually came up with a plan of reverse psychology if you will. It was time to make a dragon jealous.

Natsu's POV

Okay so it was a normal day, I woke up to find no Lucy in her bed beside me. I was relieved to not wake up to a "Lucy Kick" that would be my punishment for sneaking into her house, but it was worth every bruise. "Happy!" I called looking for my blue exceed. A lump moved out from underneath the covers.
    "Aye sir!" My blue friend said as we raced off towards the guild. When we got there I was about to say hi to Lucy, but instead went up to Lisanna and greeted her with a friendly hello. I then look over to see Lucy laughing with Gray! Stupid ice stripper! She then leans in and kisses his cheek, WHAT THE HELL LUCE! I mean they aren't dating or anything, right? They better not be, if they are then Lucy is gonna be sad after I roast Gray alive. Luce then gets up and heads to the mission board alone.

Lucy's POV

    I heard a whoosh behind me and look back to see a furious looking Natsu. "Oh hello Natsu nice seeing you today," I say trying to keep calm as Natsu gets closer and closer to me. Right as our noses are about to touch he stops moving and asks me a question I've been wanting to here.
    "Lucy tell me the truth are you and Ice Stripper dating?" Looks like I've made a dragon slightly green with jealousy.
    "Why no Natsu, why do you ask?" I inquire, just wanting to see if he'd admit it.
    "You kissed Gray on the cheek!" He whines like a baby as he shifts out of my face turning away from me pouting.
    "Awww is Natsu jealous?" I tease him making him slightly fidget in his seat. "Cause I mean it's not everyday that I feel bad for you. You might as well tell me what's on your mind before I get annoyed with you all over again." I giggle to myself.
    "It's really..." he starts, but a puff of smoke behind me draws our attention away from the current conversation.
    "Hello princess," Loke says. I slightly flush with embarrassment. Natsu  growls, but only loud enough for me to hear. "I hear you've been having trouble here at the guild, just remember I'm always here to help," the celestial lion winks at me and I get it. Loke must be in on the plan to make Natsu jealous. I smile in approval, the plan seems to be working, so far.
    "Daijobu Loke-sama!" I say adding the -sama just like Juvia does to Gray. "you know I can protect myself!" I say warmly. Natsu just scowls and turns away from us, not wanting us to see his flushed face. Flushed with anger that is.
    "I know Luce, but remember that I'll always be here to protect you..." Loke disappears in a cloud of yellow smoke and I sit next to the still scowling dragon slayer whose mumbling something about 'shouldn't call her Luce' and 'next time I see him'. I blush realizing who he's thinking about.

Natsu's POV

    THAT IDIOT LION PLAYBOY! How dare he talk to Lucy like that, calling her Luce! Only I can call my Lucy that, except she's not mine, yet... I'm snapped out of my thoughts as the girl who is clouding my thoughts comes into focus. She's giving me really weird looks. "I gotta go," I say rushing out the guild doors getting strange looks the whole way out. I can't let Luce see me like this, I'm supposed to be making her jealous, not the other way around!
     I sit down near the canal in front of Lucy's apartment. I let out a sigh and hear someone approach me from behind. Having awesome dragon hearing helps for defense as I whip around suddenly knocking the blonde standing behind me. Lucy sways a little and when she loses her footing I catch her in my arms. "Are you okay Luce?" I ask her.

Lucy's POV

     "Thanks for catching me Natsu, but at the same time you were the one who almost knocked me over," I joke as the fire dragon slayer grins back.
     "Oi Luce, you know that I'll always be here for you. I won't leave your side and can protect you twice as much as that playboy," Natsu says turning away from me and looking off towards the guild hall. I blush at his comment. "the whole reason why I was ignoring you so much was because I wanted to make you jealous." he confesses. My blush rivals Erza's hair.
     "I knew Natsu, I knew what you were doing. You are my best friend, there's no way you would ignore me without a reason," I tell him.
     "Yeah Lucy, but I was a coward," he says
     "A coward Natsu? How were you that?" I ask more curiously.
    "I didn't have the courage to actually confess to you, Lucy I love you and I always have. Ever since we met in Hargeon I knew that I loved you. Even with Lisanna back, you're still the most important person in the world to me," Natsu says. I feel my jaw drop. I mean I've only known Natsu to only think of me as his nakama. He's so dense I didn't think he'd actually admit his feelings.
     "I love you too Natsu," I say slowly making sure this is real. I then feel warm lips on mine and smile in bliss.

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