Heroes Behind Cameras

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Cyron Roid "Aiz" - A talented geek who's a master at any kind of tech. stuff. His awesome at programing, encoding....etc. you name it! he knows T_T.

Jason Stretswood"Beats" - A dancer and a heartthrob. Though, beyond that pretty face lies a pretty smart and intelligent guy.

Jully Autumns "Nyc" - A dancer, singer and one of the top students in class. She's a pretty high tempered gal, though very caring.

These three people are close friends who share the same hatred.................................................................................................................................


To  be specific, they hate one particular bully..................George Wahili. Dare and scare this guy and you'll surely break some bones. "Insult me and make sure you live near a hospital." he says to the ones who have the nerves to step up to him.

Though..................how can a geek, a heartthrob and a dancer/singer crack the 'Giant pounding' bully?! Well........... tune in, read, and lets see.

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