1-Moving on

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1-Moving On

Now how do you get over someone? And you know in your head there’s nothing you can do…but your heart still cares and wants to try. You can’t understand why they can’t love you or why they just don’t care. You ask yourself why you’re not good enough, or what you did wrong or what you could’ve done.. “You don’t die from a broken heart, you just wish you did” how true is this saying!?

But it’s over. It’s just a matter of moving on… but how do you go on?

Do you feel like moving on is just the right thing for you to do?

Moving on is always there when you need it, but sometimes it shouldn’t be use unless you haven’t fixed the problem.  

What I mean is that, you can move on but before you move on make sure things are well fixed. If you guys ended your relationship, there shouldn’t be any more problems, is done, everything is finished, otherwise it’ll be harder to move on. You will overthink things and feel like you need to do something, which isn’t good because in that way it’ll make you look like you’re not over him.

-So make sure that things are well fixed so that you can move on soother. And start a new path

Do you miss the happiness you had with that person?

The problem with most people being in a relationship is that they don’t care about their happiness anymore; their whole world became that person. But were forgetting ourselves too. Our happiness depended on that person, meaning we can’t be happy unless were with them. If you really want to move on make sure that you don’t forget about your own happiness, BE HAPPY ON YOUR OWN! Yes that person can add up to your happiness but don’t ever let them take your happiness away and make your world all about them. Just remember that every time you get into any relationship (this doesn’t always have to be about a boy, it could be your friends), never let that person just be your happiness.


I’m pretty sure you guys are familiar with the word ‘rebound’! It is not a nice thing to do. I’m gonna be honest but I have done it before, and I’ve learnt that it wasn’t a good thing even though I was badly hurt, turns out I never really got over the person I was trying to move on from.

If ever you wanted to move on, never use anyone, it’s not only using that person but it can affect their feelings too, who knows if that person actually loved you…

I understand that you’re just trying to get over the past but using someone should never be a reason, you will be just as bad.

Thing I do to move on other than that^ . ^ (you guys might’ve heard of these)

-focus on other things

When I said focus on other things, I meant, try to keep yourself busy, don’t just sit around fantasizing and reminiscing over that person, thinking if he’ll ever come back. It wasn’t easy for me to keep myself busy because at the start I still remembered him while keeping myself busy, but just remember to never give up, take one step at a time, it’ll become easier

-don’t go too hard on yourself

For example, don’t do things too over, like not seeing that persons face or not listening to your song. Actually its better if you listen to the song once in a while because it doesn’t hurt you too much, and I personally think that seeing that persons face is better than not seeing him, it’ll make you miss him/her more which will not be easy because in that way you will wonder more about him.   

-if they’re dumb enough to leave, be smart enough to let go

I think that if a person really loved you they will try to sort things out with you. But just remember that if that person really wanted to stay in your life then why did they leave you, I’m not saying they didn’t love you but maybe their feelings changed so I guess you’re feeling has to change aswell

-face the reality

I’m not saying this in a mean way, but what I did to get over someone was to just face the fact that he left me. Sometimes we need to think of the realities because this world is not always going to be nice to us.

-if bad things happened to you, then good things can occur

This is not some weird magic thing but I guess that when that person left you, another person will come to your life and be as better as that person and become more valuable, because once you learnt your mistake I’m sure you’ll find the correct person.  

-remember that it’s not the end it’s just the beginning

Meaning, you shouldn’t give up already, don’t think that you can no longer find anyone, just think of how you started with that person, and forget what hurt you, just don’t forget what taught you.

-!!!Depressing songs!!!

I’m not telling you to stop listening to songs you’re used to listening to, you just need to lessen down listening to them! I use to have a massive addiction with depressing songs until I realised how much one song changed my mood the whole night.    

-write letters

I know how you guys want to talk that person so badly but you know you just can’t, well I think writing those things in a paper or a journal is better to help you let out all those things in your heart. Also maybe those voice recorders can help, because I know how a lot of you guys are sick of writing.               

These will not work instantly, but I guarantee that by one step at a time you will feel better! Never feel down for anyone, just be happy! And god will send you to the right path… 

A/N: How did I go readers??

Probably had a tonne of typos but oh well! Life is not always perfect for anyone.

 So this is just a few of my opinions on how to move on. Don’t judge it too much but of course constructive criticism is a must!

Don’t forget to PM if you’re curious or anxious about anything, and I’ll give some tips on how I think it can be solved.

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