chapter 1

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It was a hot spring day and Jane stepped into the train. It was sad to know that she would be alone for half an hour. The battery of her phone was also dead so it would be boring. she couldn't believe they didn't had airconditioner is the classroom.
All the seats were taken so she stood in the hall of the train. The only things she could do was look out of the window.
After a few minutes she noticed a familiar face in the crowd.
It was Leslie. Leslie was a boy from her class. Someone who didn't talk alot. It seemed that he didn't care about friends at all.
Jane stared at him but he had his gaze focused on his phone.
She wanted to talk to him, but she was the kind of girl who didn't have the nerve to talk to someone she didn't talk to at all but now would be a good apportunity.
After a while she decided not to. he probably didn't even know her name.
she sighed and turned her gaze to the window again.
The time flew by and she stepped out of the train. It was sunny and warm outside. She looked up at the sun put on her sunglasses and started walking.
people bumped into her while she walked. it was so annoying. they didn't even say sorry. i don't care if you're in a rush. you can at least say sorry.
she was very irritated when she finally got to her bike.
when Jane just wanted to unlock the lock on her bike a couple of boys her age bumped into her and her bike fell down.
"hey!" she yelled and glared at the group. they just ignored her and laughed like nothing happened.
ofcourse she couldn't stand that and without taking another look at her bike she rushed over to the guys and pats one of them on the shoulder.
he turned around and looked down at her. he was really tall and looked at her as if she was a grade schooler.
"what do you want." he spit out the words like she was some sort of insect bothering him. his friends were laughing.
she didn't care if they were laughing at her. Jane took a deep breath and looked him right in the eyes.
"you bumped into me earlier and you didn't even say sorry. also because of you, my bike fell down, so the least you can do is say sorry". her voice was calm and collected while from inside her rage was growing bigger and bigger.
"me saying sorry to a dwarf like you? are you kidding me?" he smirked and his friends gave eachother a high five for his comeback to her.
"yes, you arrogant asshole!" her calm voice began to raise. he looked at her as if she was crazy but the guys behind him were definetly having fun.
The guy got irritated by his friends and started shouting. "you think you're big and all, you little bitch. but you underestimate my strength!"
now everyone was silent. she looked at him and realized that she was making a big mistake, but there was no turning back now so all she could do now was wait for what was coming. she couldn't back off like a scared puppy. she looked at him with the most arrogant smile she had and put her hands on her hips.
"okay, now you made me angry!" the guy took a step foward and raised his fist with a furious look on his face. she sucked her breath in and waited for the punch.
just before the guy could hit her, someone came out of the shadows and grabbed the guy's fist. he turned it backwards until he heard a snap and let him go. Jane opened her eyes and in disbelief she opened her mouth when she saw who it was. it was none other than Leslie. the guy from her class that she never ever talked to. he just saved her.

Jane didn't understand what was happening at all. where did he came from? how long was he already standing there? and why would he save her? he was like a ninja.
after a few seconds of silence Leslie looked at her with a straight face. she still couldn't bring out a word after what happened.
behind Leslie the guy was whining and cussing. they both didn't give him any attention and just stared at eachother.
Jane's head was full of questions but she couldn't ask. she was still in shock. was he following her or something?
the guys who were standing behind leslie were now interferring again.
"how could you break someone's wrist so easily?! Thayler didn't do anything wrong. that bitch started!"
leslie rolled his eyes and sighed while turning his gaze to the group of friends. "well, from what i saw, Jane wasn't doing anything wrong. you guys started, you could've avoided this situation if you just said sorry to her." his voice was very collected and he knew what he was doing.
the guys were put to silence and while cussing they grabbed their whining friend and ran away.
Leslie and Jane both sighed and Leslie turned to Jane again.
"Jane, why do you have such a big mouth?" she looked down. he did know her name after all.
"well, i don't really know. they just pissed me off." her voice was soft.
he shook his head. "this will get you in trouble, you know. i can't always be here to save you." he walked to her bike and put it up again.
she walked behind him and watched. "why do you care so much?" she couldn't really look him in the eyes.
"it's my duty to protect you." his voice was low and quiet. her mouth fell open again and she stared at him.
"what? say that again? i didn't quite catch that." this was unbelievable. is he pulling a prank or something?
he shook his head and closed his eyes. "nevermind, just forget it." he gave her the keys from her bike back and by doing that he touched her hand for a moment. an electric shock rushed through the both of them but he didn't seem to feel it. Leslie put his hands in his jeans pockets and without saying a word he walked away, leaving a disturbed Jane standing beside her bike.
for a moment she just stood there without moving. this was disturbing. why would he say such crazy things? was he on drugs or something? her mind had too much thoughts and she sighed. and what was that electric shock she felt?
"time to go home now." she grabbed her bike and went home confused.

At the time Jane got home shivers suddenly went down her spine. she didn't feel that good. her sight got vague.
she had a hard time opening the front door with her key. what was happening. was today too hard on her or something?
Jane finally managed to open the door and stumbled in. she could already smell the food on the stove but it made her sick. she vagually remembered that meggen told her that they ate spaghetti tonight. she sat down on the stairs and put her hands under her chin. she couldn't keep her head up. jane panicked a little.
this isn't good. this isn't good at all.
after seconds Jane could hear her 13 year old twin brothers coming out of the livingroom to greet her. she couldn't greet them like this. they would worry.
she got up with a moan and as fast as she could she ran up the stairs so she could let herself fall on her bed.
"Jane?" one of her brothers had followed her and knocked on the door.
"N-not now, David." her voice trembled and she buried her face in her hands but then noticed something.
she held out her hand and looked at what was appearing on the back of her hand.
a turqouise star sign appeared on her hand. she wanted to scream but before she could make a sound she collapsed on her bed.

Leslie was at home. finally he could do research again. this girl couldn't possibly be the target right? but what if she was?
than this will be alot of work. drayon gave him this important mission because only leslie could do it. now he knows why. because that girl is his age and he was the youngest team member.
it was alot of trouble though, keeping it a secret from everyone. he couldn't tell anyone that he was a spy of drayon. it would ruin everything. he almost ran his mouth to Jane just now. he can't make the same mistake again.
he sat right in front of his desk and turned on his computer. he had to figure out how to protect her. he put his hands under his chin and blew some strands of blonde hairs out of his eyes.
he stared at the screen of his computer and suddenly felt a electric shock. he sat up and looked around him. could it be?!
he felt it again and stood up. Jane collapsed. he looked at the star shaped sign on his hand. it has begun.

Leslie ran down the stairs without turning off his computer and left his house.
he grabbed his rusty bike and made his way over to jane's house. he knew the way because of all the research he had done. when he arrived leslie knew that he couldn't just knock on the door.
He put his bike down on the side of the house so that nobody could see it and search for something he could climb on so that he could enter jane's room through the window.
he grinned slightly. it almost felt like he was a stalker with all his knowledge about jane.
in less than a second his grin dissapeared and he saw a pipe next to the window of jane's room. with his hands he stroked his hair back and sighed before he carefully and silently started climbing up the pipe. he was hoping that the pipe could hold his weight.
he was lucky that the window was open. Leslie jumped inside and suddenly he was in a very colorful room with plushies everywhere. he was kind of shocked. i didn't think that jane was such a childish person.
"well, whatever." he shrugged and walked to the bed she was laying on unconcious. it was like she was suffering. he grabbed her wrist and saw the turqouise star sign on her hand. it was glowing. she was really the target. he sighed and layed the palm of his hand on hers.
both signs started to glow brighter than they did before. it was like Leslie put magic in her.
For a moment it was silent and he had his mind focused on her. he chanted some words and waited.
Jane's breathing became normal again and she didn't shiver anymore.
slowly she opened her eyes and moaned. he let go of her hand and looked at her with a straight face. why did she look so stupid with her eyes half open?
''what the hell, what're you doing here?'' she whispered with a frown. she looked around the room and then back at him again.
His features didn't change, though his cheeks got a slight reddish color.
"Well, i was in the neighbourhood. I thought it would be nice to stop by for a second."
She looked at him with a frown.
"So, you came inside through my window to watch me sleep? Because i'm pretty sure i was sleeping till just a minute ago."
He scratched his head and nodded.
''wait, how do you even know i came through the window?" for once he showed some emotion in his face. he was surprised.
she rolled her eyes and points at leslie's shoes.
''they're all dirty from the mud you stood in.'' Leslie looked down and sighed. well, that was not planned.
"My bad, i'll be leaving then." he stood up and walked back to the window.

Jane was shocked from her own voice and looked down before pointing at her bedroom door.
"Y-you can also use the door if you feel like it."
He frowned and nodded.
"Oh, alright then"
He stepped away from the window and walked to the other side of the room. He looked at her before he dissapeared through the door.
as leslie walked down the stairs he was still prepared. though jane said he could just use the front door, he rather didn't want to be seen by meggen or jane's little brothers.
he quickly jumped from the last few stairs and opened the front door to take his leave.
on the way home the only thing he could think about was how stupid he acted. he was professional in keeping his identity hidden if he didn't have contact with anyone, but his job is to protect this girl. this is going to be a difficult task to fulfill.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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