When I was months old, my parents bought a bigger, more elegant house in almost the top of a mountain, and even though it was fancy and all, we only had one neighbour, the Wilder Family, who fortunatly became friends with mine since that day my pare...
Alicia drove for about an hour and a half just to get to a lousy coffee shop, and I must add, the coffee wasn't even good, sure not worth that long drive. The thing I didn't get about Alicia was why did she did all those things no one seemed to have an answer to. Like where did she went on thanksgiving, or why she hugged me like if we were lifetime partners, or choose to buy the oldest, darkest, lousiest car in the market when she clearly had the money to buy a good, expensive one, or why driving for so long just to get a coffee I knew by the look on her face when she tasted it that she didn't even enjoy. I thought that the mysterious Alicia was left behind, because this Alicia actually talked, smiled, and seemed to have no apparent secrets, but everything she did was out of apparent reason, therefore, mysterious. I knew that know she had even more secrets, because when she was little she didn't care people thought she was wired, she showed herself as the wired, secretive girl she was, now she clearly wanted to distract the attention off her actions and the things she did, and the places she went, by having a nice chit chat, and it worked. Unluckily for her, I lived surrounded by a bunch of the best liars of the country, if I could do something, was discover the deepest secrets of a teenage girl. But first, I wanted to try something.
"Why hire?" I asked directly once the waitress brought the sugar and left us.
"Did you notice that cute waitress was hitting on you?" she said smiling interested in my response to that.
"Really?" I wondered.
I turned around and saw her. She was pretty, and if my memory doesn't fail, her name was Isabel, or was it Isabella? She had big, intense green blueish eyes, brunette perfect skin and curly long hair. Actually one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life, but I hadn't realized about if until Alicia mentioned it. I was so distracted thinking of explanations for her behaviour that I didn't realised a pretty girl was just flirting with me. Trust me, I'm no strange to girls flirting, they do it all the time, and not noticing meant only one thing, and that thing was that I was giving way too much attention to Alicia, and that was seriously bad, because the only reason why I left my city was just to get away from my family, who couldn't seem to stop having all these secrets that I tried so hard to figure, but wasn't supposed to. Secrets, lies, and mystery where the motive why I wanted to get away, and there I was, trying to figure a teenage girl out. It was evident that she wanted to be my friend, and also to mind my own business, because everyone should have the right to decide whether to tell or not what they are hiding, I was no one to take that privilege way from her. And stop worrying, and trying to find answers was what I would start doing since that moment on.
"I'm going to talk to her" I told her. She clapped excited. I was just about to stand up when she stood up and sat me down again. "What?" I asked a little angry.
"You came hire with me, it is disrespectful if you leave before finishing the coffee" she said obvious. Alicia was right, what kind of dick was I? Was I always like that? How many time did I leaved a friend behind for a girl? I hope not many.
"I apologize" I told her honestly.
"It's okay, grumps. Now tell me what you are going to say" she asked interested, opening her eyes in excitement.
"I can't tell you. It's a secret" she gave me one of those faces she usually did, that are you serious look. Which was funny because I could take her are you serious look serious as long as she kept smiling.
I usually would tell a girl, or anyone for that matter, what I did to get a girl, it was kind o personal...but this was little Wilder, and though I had no idea what that had to do with anything, I guess I felt like I could tell her anything. She seemed good at keeping secrets, not that it was a big secret
"Well, I will say that she is absolutely stunning, and that if she would want to go out with me sometime"
"That's it? That's your secret pick up line?" Alicia said disappointed.
"Yeah, it works every time" I guaranteed.
She tried not to smile at my stupidity, but she did.
We kept talking about other stuff, like movies, music, and that little freckle I saw in her right eyelid when she blinked. She tried not to blink for a minute, but she could resist more than that each time she tried, so she gave up. Finally, we finish our coffees and she told me I could go while she was leaving the couting and leaving the money on the table, just so that latter she could go to the old thing she had as a car. She said once in the car, she would wait for me, but if I took more than 5 minutes, she would go. She was kidding, but I guess I would never know. I looked back and she was admiring the situation with a tired smile, and her face set on her arm.
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"Hey, I'm Nate" I said extending my hand towards her.
"Isa" she said shaking it, and giving me a flirtatious smile.
"I just wanted to say thank you, for the coffee and all"
"You're welcome"
"And I also wanted to say that you are, by far the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and that we should go out sometime" I added as honest as I could get.
"What about your girlfriend?" she asked annoyed?
"She is just a friend. But I'll come and pick you up hire tomorrow at 7, sounds good?" I asked ignoring the hilarious fact that she actually thought that little wilder was my girlfriend. I mean, yeah, she was pretty, but we didn't even do something relationship like, we just drank coffee and talked, in dates you don't go to a coffee shop, and don't even get a chance to talk.
Isa said she agreed, and gave me her number in a napkin. I was going to lose that so as soon as I got into the car, I wrote it in my phone.
"I see everything went well" she chuckled.
"Yeah, the funny thing was that she thought you were my girlfriend" I laughed.
"Oh my god. That is funny" Alicia laughed with me.
It was good to know we were on the same page about that. Still, it sort of hurt. But I didn't care much, I was handsome and I had a date with a hot girl.