For Love

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A/N: Another oneshot written in a day. Giving myself credit for being able to do this hahahha. I'll try to write a continuous story next. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this one :)


"Mommy, why do you love Daddy?" Madison walked to her Mom who was playing with Natalie on the carpeted floor and gave her a hug.

"I love your dad for a lot reasons Maddie," Emily replied as she motioned her eldest daughter to sit on her lap.

"What about me?" Daniel walked down the stairs.

"Maddie was asking Mommy why she loves you," replied their eldest Alexander. Daniel let out a slight chuckle, walked over to where his family was and sat with them as he placed his youngest daughter on his lap. He then looked into his wife's eyes and gave her a smile that reminded her of that day



"Goodbye, Emily." Those words hit her hard. Emily never taught she would feel so broken as Daniel walked out the door. She was never even supposed to have feelings for him. She felt lost feeling her left ring finger without the engagement ring.

"One less thing to worry about. No more distractions." Emily tried to convince herself that she was fine with him leaving when deep down she knew she wasn't okay. She picked up her phone and called Nolan.

"What's up Ems?"

"Daniel and I ju-just broke off our engagement," stuttered Emily.

"I'll be there in five."

When Daniel left her house he felt like he lost a part of him, his better half that knew him as Daniel not Daniel Grayson. He played over the scenario that had happened in his head over and over again when he stopped still and got in his car and drove to Grayson Global.

"Ems you're a mess. Come here," Nolan sat beside Emily and put his arm around her. Emily for once accepted his hug and cried on his shoulders. "So you do have feelings for Danny boy?"

"I don't think I can do this anymore Nolan."

"Do what?"


"Your father never wanted this for you either Ems."

"Its time I move on, get out of the Hamptons." Emily sat up straight.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Where are you going to go?"

"Yes I'm sure. I don't know, LA maybe. Just not here."

"Suit yourself Ems, you know what's best for yourself. "


"Geez Ems how much stuff do you have?" packing boxes was not Nolan's forte.

"Stop complaining Nolan, I have to meet the realtor tomorrow," said Emily as she rushed up the stairs to collect the rest of her belongings. When Emily disappeared from the stairs Nolan sat on the couch, turned on the TV and put his feet on the table as he let out a long sigh. Just as he was getting comfortable, all hell broke loose.

"EMS! You got to see this!"

"What is it oh my God." Before she could finish her sentence she saw the TV. It was Daniel. He was in a press conference.

"Its time everyone know the truth. The downing of flight 197 was not David Clarke's fault. My father, Conrad Grayson is responsible for that incident." Emily watched everything unfold. This was why she came back to the Hamptons, to take down Conrad and Victoria Grayson. But never in a million years would she think a fellow Grayson would be the one to finish what she started.

"Oh my gosh Ems." Even Nolan couldn't believe what he was seeing. They watched Daniel leave the room. When he left, the police came in and arrested his parents. Emily switched the TV off and they sat there in disbelief. A buzz from Emily's phone broke the silence. She stood and walked over to the table and grabbed her phone.

It was a text from Daniel. It read, "I hope I made it up to you. You got what you wanted. I hope you're happy."

"I'm going to see Daniel. You can go home Nolan. Thanks for being a great help." With that she went out the door.

Emily took the beach route and walked towards Grayson manor. All along she thought she would feel satisfied when the moment came. She got what she wanted, but she still felt empty. She was getting close to the manor when she saw a male figure walking to the door. It was Daniel.

"Daniel!" Daniel turned around and Emily walked faster towards him.

"Emily. Or should I call you Amanda?"

"About that, how did you know? And call me Emily, I'm no longer Amanda Clarke."

"I didn't at first, but I always knew you were the girl at the bar. Remember, I told you," Emily replied before he could finish what he was saying.

"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."

"You remember?" He grinned.

"How could I not?" Emily gave him a slight smile. "Wait continue, how did you know I was Amanda?"

"My father told me a few years ago that he found out David Clarke invested in Nolcorp before everything happened. If he really did, then you would be a major shareholder now. But when Nolcorp invested in Grayson Global a few months ago, Emily Thorne was listed as a shareholder, not Amanda Clarke. I started to be suspicious but when we broke up that night, it all made sense."

"But why did you expose your parents? I was about to leave for good, your family could have lived the way you used to."

"There was no way I could do that," he took Emily's hand in his. "I had to do what was right. I wanted to make it up to you. I love you Ems."

By now tears were building in Emily's eyes. "After all I've done this past year? I tried to destroy your family. How could you love me?"

"Because you are the only person in the world who believes in me. The only one who can see me beyond the Grayson name. And you just told me you were willing to sacrifice all your revenge plans for me. Right?" he gave a slight chuckle.

A tear escaped her eye as she smiled. "Hey, it's going to be alright okay? We're going to be alright," he said as he wiped her tears. "Come here." He wrapped her arms around her and she accepted his embrace. She leaned on him and laid her head on his chest as he kissed her forehead.

All along, the one thing that would satisfy her was in front of her eyes. She just never had the chance to look clearly at what she had. Instead, she searched for something that did not exist.

Emily looked up and met him in the eyes to say the most truthful words she has ever said, "I love you Daniel." He smiled the most genuine of smiles and pulled her in for a kiss.


"Well I think I can say this for the both of us. I love your Dad because we both had to give up some things for love. And i love him more and more everyday for that," she looked at her husband as she said this.

"You explained it perfectly babe," he leaned in to give his wife a kiss.

"Do you have your answer Mads?" Emily hugged her daughter who let out a giggle.

"Yes so lets go to the beach! C'mon Alex I'll race you outside!" Madison ran outside with her brother.

"Hey be careful!" They were out of sight before she could finish her sentence.

"C'mon babe," Daniel carrying Natalie reached out his other hand and helped Emily stand up. "You remember that day?"

"How could I forget." They interlocked their fingers and walked to the beach to join their children.

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