1. What Even?

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The moving truck outside of my building should've been a clear indication that my world was about to be turned upside down..

As if it were any other day, I carried my covered racquet in hand, a sports bag slung over my shoulder. My tank top and shorts dried slowly in the summer air from previously being soaked in water via half of the bottle I poured over my body to cool down after the hours I'd spent on the courts. The sun was just beginning its journey across the sky to the horizon, and with a phone to my ear, I listened well to the woes of my best friend.

"It's not like this was even the first time or anything....maybe I should rethink this."

"You know what, that's a great idea, Kaylie.. Maybe hit 'im with an ultimatum.."

She sighed, then the hum of phone silence took over my ear. I knew this was difficult for her. It was for me too, seeing her go through it. Once a year, Kaylie would go to visit her dad in the countryside. Normally I would go with but since this time, her dad's begun seeing a younger woman, who has a 3 year old son so he thought it would be better to bond as a "new family". Even worse, her boyfriend of 3 years forgot her birthday....again.

"I just wish you were here with me, Fi. Sorry about that by the way."

"It's ok. I understand." I said.

When I turned the last corner onto James Ave., the first thing that caught my attention was the very large truck parked outside of my front door, nearly completely blocking the entrance. Kind of rude, even if this is the city. But seeing as this is such a quiet street to begin with...The landlady surely would've given me notice of any new residents.

I heard a faint voice from the other side of the truck. Two guys probably about my age emerged from the truck, one with a baby face carried a box filled past the brim with what looked like just miscellaneous items and the other holding a guitar case. What? Who were these people? Having not yet crossed the street, I prepared to do so and probably awkwardly ask to pass. But who blocks a stranger's door with their freaking elephant sized moving truck without so much as a note? After taking only one step into the street, something fell off the full box and rolled down the driveway into the road in front of my feet. A...drumstick?

"Yeah, even more so. You don't even get to visit your dad, let alone know where he--"

"Hey, listen Kaylie, something came up and..." I watched as two more guys jumped out of the back. One grabbed the box from the glasses guy and the other one looked at the ground around him with a confused expression. "Uh-oh. I gotta go. I'll, um, call you later."

I pressed the end call button before she could respond and held back the urge to hide behind the large oak tree only feet away. He was coming this way, eyes trailing on the wooden stick. Crap. He looked tall. And lanky with a head of long hair pulled into a low and messy bun. Was he going to beat me up or something? Was that prejudice? Ok self, just shut up and be cool.

I didn't have the energy to think any further. Instead, I pushed my curly hair behind both ears and kneeled down to pick it up. Like an idiot, I stood there in the middle of the street and watched him come toward me.

I cleared my throat and collected my thoughts. "Um, here. This is your drumstick?"

His head turned in a glance toward one of his hat-wearing friends, the shorter one, who nodded slightly.

"Uh...yes..." He said. I noticed the heavily accented and broken English that came out of his mouth. He had an angular face that was undoubtedly some type of Asian.. Large, graceful looking hands grasped the stick from my own and I felt his calloused fingers graze mine.

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