I Prefer Twisted

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I pulled against the ropes with all I had left but they didn't budge.

"Don't bother," a voice said.

I looked up to discover a thin girl bound by the same rope, and with the little light that there was I could see her green eyes ... and bloody wrists.

"I've already tried." A coughing fit arose from her throat.

"Please tell me I'm dreaming," I said.

"This would classify as a nightmare not a dream."

"A nightmare is a form of a dream and to say 'Please tell me I'm nightmaring' sounds completely witless. Haven't you ever heard of lucid dreaming?"

"Yes I have and in fact lucid dreaming is just day dreaming, in day dream you fantasize and you can do anything and everything you want. You could combust this rope into ash! But news flash you can't because this my friend is real. Even if that were so then you would have to be actively thinking about me, and I bet I am not the kind of girl you think about." her voice softened and she took in a deep breath.

"You are sick."

Laughter accompanied by suppressed coughs lead these words, "I'm not sick, I'm twisted or gnarled if you will. The word 'sick' implies that I can be cured."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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