Our Channel Introduction. :3

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Hi I'm Luna! and I'm Skyler

Skyler: We made this channel because we are going to write a story.

But its not any story.

Luna: *Snickers*

Skyler:  *hands Luna a cookie* shush Luna -3-

Luna: Fineeeeeeee *noms on cookie*

Skyler: Anywayy.... The story is going to be where Luna and I take turns writing a chapter in our POV.

Luna: *finishes cookie* YEAHH! its going to be awesomeeeeee!!! LIKE OMG

Skyler: *confused look* How the heck did you finish that cookie so fast????

Luna: Magic :3

Can I explain the rest nowwwww?!?! PLEASEEE?!

Skyler: -3- Fine

Luna: YAY! :3 So If you were wondering I'm the daughter of Jeff the killer! But I call him Jeffy! and I'm 14 Years old.

Jeffrey: Y u do dis -.-

Luna: Oh be quiet dad!! hehe

Jeffrey: Your lucky your my daughter or you would have Gone To Sleep by now.

Luna: *Ignores Jeffrey* Skyler take it away!

Skyler: Where do you get all this energy from? ._. Anyway I'm the daughter of slenderman! and I'm 13 Years old.

Luna: So yeah!! We will explain how we look in our next Chapter!

Byeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! ~Luna

Skyler: Help. Me.

Our Channel Introduction. :3Where stories live. Discover now