10. Balloon Boy may be a hallucination, well Balloon Boy isn't mentioned by phone guy isn't phone guy suppose to be you guide for the night or maybe Scott added bb late in the game and didn't want to change the phone calls . also it how he takes your batteries from your flashlight how does he take them with out you seeing.
9. balloon ball has a sister or girlfriend. night 4 at 1.pm you can see under you desk a pink eyes and an purple nose bb under your desk. lots of fan of fnaf call her balloon girl. but in fnaf world it was comfered her name was jj full name Jalloon joy.
8.balloon boy can talk like a human. balloon boy is actually the only Animatronic that can talk like a human and has a working voice box and the other Animatronics have a broking voice box the Animatronic have just screech and scream but bb talk full words. this is probably because of the next fact I'm going to talk
7.Humanoid . balloon boy is the only humanoid animatronic in Freddy Fazbears pizza every animatronic represents as an animal. but bb is represents as a kid. why hasn't Scott made any other human like animaltronics. well animatronics that kids seen before and that fnaf fans seen. jalloon joy, is an Easter egg
6. buttons. notice that bb has black button on his shirt? well if he stands in your office the colors changes from black to white.this could be just a mistake by Scott or it means something i do you know what do you guys think?
5.balloon boy gave free items . bb was the animatronic that gave out the prizes and gave away balloons
4.balloon boy has an nickname. balloon boy hands down is the most hated animaltronic bb has as a nickname its f**k boy still no jumpscare buy still hated.
3. Everyone thought that bb was in the fnaf 4 teaser maybe Scott was going to make jj in Fnaf 4?
2.balloon boy laughs with joy balloon boy laughs with that has founded an adult to help him but what bb think is he's a little boy the nightgrund sees him as a ugly animatronic and when bb take your batteries from your flashlight but when you take it back foxy see you try to hurt him but you are just taking your batteries
1.Balloon boy boy is just as afraid as you are. this theory say bb frightened boy that fell asleep is pirate cove and now he's hiding away from the animatronic and he's trying to find a adult to help him and why he leaves becasues he think your a evil animtronic try to kill him when you where the mask.