You Made Me Fall in Love With You , Now it's My Turn.

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You Made Me Fall in Love With You, Now it's My Turn.

Chapter 1

"I can't believe that you thought you were good enough for me," he said laughing loudly making everyone turn their heads our way, "you're a freaking loser, just look at you." This caused even more people to turn our way and I heard a couple of drunken laughs over the loud music that was playing across the room. It also didn't help that we happened to be standing next to the microphone by the DJ's mixing board.

I don't know why I came to this stupid summer start party, it was one of my dumb ideas of trying to fit in, and maybe getting to talk to him. I was a fool for even trying.

"I know that a lot of girls want me but at least they are hot, unlike you. Maybe if you lost some weight and actually dressed like a real human, you might be lucky enough to find a boyfriend," he announced loud enough for everyone to hear causing everyone to burst out into full laughter, " but as if that would ever happen, you'd have to be blind to want you!"

That is exactly when the room froze around me, and everything started to look like it was moving in slow motion. As I turned around I could see the look on people's faces, laughing and mocking me as if I was some kind of clown. I was defiantly on the brink of tears, every chance of hope or confidence inside of me was completely broken, not that I had much in the first place. I stood there completely humiliate and trying not to cry, but failing miserably. I had to say something, at least save the little bit of dignity that I had left.

"Who said that I ever wanted you," I shouted making people laugh even harder, if that was even possible, "you're not even worth my time, who are you to -" but I couldn't finish, he cut me off.

"Who am I? I'll tell you who the hell I am, not a complete waste of space like you are. You're not fooling anyone but yourself. Get out of my house, I don't know who let you in here anyway." He sneered looking me right in the eye and for that reason I knew he wasn't lying.

That is when I finally broke under the pressure, the huge weight that had always been hanging over my head was finally falling. I needed to get out of here. I looked around the room trying to see through the tears that fogged up my vision. I notice an exit to the backyard around the corner behind the drunken couple making out near the coach. I never was good at running and I definitely chose the wrong day to try and wear the pair of old heels my sister had given to me because too much people had them. At that very moment I would do anything to get out of this hell hole, so I kicked my heels off and sprang for the exit. Everyone spread out leaving space for me to run, laughing at me as I passed by. I was running so fast not even paying attention to my surroundings that I didn't notice that someone had stuck their foot out trying to trip me. Being the clumsy person I was, I tripped over it flying flat on my face, slamming my nose against the floor.

"Nice underwear!" someone from the crowd shouted, being rewarded with a couple laughs around the room, "My grandma has the same ones!"

I felt my face turn red remembering I was wearing a skirt and I realize that it had rode up showing my underwear. I got up slowly feeling the shame trying to pull me back down, there was no point of anything anymore. It was then that I felt something wet run across my lip, and I wiped at it only to see that it was red. I didn't even care where the blood was coming from because I couldn't feel any pain, all I could think about was everything that just happened. I slowly turned around toward everyone not even caring about how I looked not showing any emotion. I'm sure that I looked like a total freak, but what did it matter because to them I was a freak. As I looked up the room suddenly went silent. It must have been how my face looked or finally people realized that they went too far. I could feel my head spinning but there was no time to deal with that. Slowly I walked back to the shoes that I kicked off and picked them up, there was no point of running now. The same awkward silence was carrying on in the room and I turned around making my way to the exit while people parted even more for me to walk by. Slowly I made my way to the front door that the maid had open for me already, looking at me in shock and then giving me a very pitiful look. It was at that moment that I stepped on the huge stone threshold of the house that I heard someone shout, "Let's get this party started!" The music started up again and people started dancing. I realized that no one cared, to them I didn't exist.

I must have looked like a major freak show walking down the street in my now blood soaked shirt with mascara running down my face and barefoot. I couldn't feel the night chill through the thin cotton that I was wearing or feel the sharpness of the stone pressing into the bottom of my feet. I can't believe that it had been five years of my life that I completely wasted. Wasted wanting and crying over something I knew I couldn't have. Every day, dreaming about something I knew that could never come true because it was obvious he didn't want me. I kept on keeping my hopes up; doing anything I could just to get him to notice me but now, everything just seemed like a huge waste of time. I should have known from the beginning, it was pretty obvious. I just wasn't his type, but this isn't what pained me the most. What did was knowing that I deserved everything that happened to me tonight. I was a complete idiot not seeing what a jackass Austin Brookes was. Obviously, he was good looking with his dark auburn hair, strong toned muscles, piercing blue eyes and a face that a Greek God would be jealous of but his personality was the ugliest thing to me. I only wanted him for how he looked, I never thought about the kind of guy he really was because this wasn't the first time he had humiliate me, but I was too blind to see the other times till now. Liking him just made me like any other shallow bitch there was. I deserved it, but I couldn't give up now as much as I wanted too.

I was too lost in my train of thought to notice the bright car light from the black Porsche Cayenne Turbo S in front of me.

"Kailey, what happened to you?" Said the familiar voice franticly coming from the car that happened to belong to my older sister , Lexie. We didn't get along much and normally she was criticizing me but she knew when she needed to be serious. "Why are you covered in blood, who did this to you!"

I couldn't bring myself to answer her. My head was buzzing, replaying what had happened tonight.

"My God! Get in the car Kailey, I'm taking you to the hospital. Have you seen yourself? Your lucky if you don't bleed to death!" She shouted, worry evident in her voice, I didn't know she could even care about me.

The hospital was only a twenty minute drive from where we lived since we were almost in the heart of the city. Both I and my sister sat in a comfortable silence on the ride there. She had this look on her face as if she was having a silent argument with herself. She opened her mouth to say something hesitating about whether she should say something but finally she did.

"I'm sorry Kailey, I really am." She finally confessed. I couldn't understand what she was talking about. "It's my fault, I could have done something about it!" She gripped the steering wheel with a greater force than needed. "I realized that I treated you so badly just because I wanted to keep up a stupid rep, but it's completely doesn't matter anymore. Those people weren't worth it, and it hurts me to know that I watched them treat you this way but never did anything about it. I'm finally going off to University and I probably won't even remember half their names. Sure I had fun while it lasted, but it's not worth seeing you this way. You are my little sister, I was supposed to take care of you but I failed at that. I looked at her seeing tears in her eyes. I was still in shock from what I was hearing. "Kailey... you have to do something for me, please?"

"Yeah sure, what is?" I murmured, realizing how dry my throat felt from all my crying.

"You can't let them walk over you anymore, you are too good for that! It's not too late to change things around, just don't let them see you fall. You have to do this, not just for me but yourself." She cried her emotions now more evident in her voice. I gave her a small smile and a nod, and then turned my head towards the window.

The words that Lexie said were completely true, she may have treated me badly but she never would lie to me. It wasn't who she was. What my sister said gave me a little bit more hope that I had and I finally felt like I might be able to do something to change my life around. I wasn't going to do anything for anyone to impress them. Austin Brookes is just some conceited guy who thought of no one but himself, but I was going to make him see what and idiot he really was. He made me fall in love with him, but now it is my turn. This time, I wasn't going to fail.


So this is my first story that I ever wrote and I thought that I might put it up here. It would be great if I could hear your feedback incase I need to improve anything for the future! I'll continue the story if people actually like it :D. Thank you if you for taking the time to read my story!

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