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*I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart.. I can see through the scars inside you* Blares my phone ringtone. Half asleep, I accept the call button. 

"Hello?" I say groggily 

"Um hi, yes... Is this Emelie Holmstrum?," said a familiar voice. 

Aaand  suddenly I'm awake. "Yes it is." 

"This is Papa Emeritus III from the band Ghost, you've been selected to be a sinful sister." 

I scream on the inside. 

"Ok, thank you so much!" I manage to say trying not to sound like an insane fan girl. I hit the end call button and start screaming my ass off. 

"I'M A SINFUL SISTER!!!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

The night of the show came quicker than I thought it would. 

I looked down at the attire that was mailed to me. I put on the habit and had a little trouble putting on the coif, but I managed to do it perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirror and I thought I looked really cute. I slid my Ghost rosary on around my neck and was all ready to go to the show.

 Tonight was the night that I finally get to meet Ghost and even better: get to be a sinful sister.

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