A Thousand Years... harry styles

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A thousand years…

chapter 1: hell

Running, that’s all I can remember from the dream. Running from someone, or something. I was just running away. But why? That’s been my question since the dreams started happening. Its 8th period of hell. All I can think about is the dreams.  Mrs.jameson asks the class what  X+Y something is. Im not paying any attention and guess who she calls on? “ms. Hansen, would you like to tell us the answer?” oh god no. all I can think to say is, “im not paying attention to this stupid crap we all already know”  and that’s enough to get me a small blue slip to detention for the day. Great.

After class I apologize to mrs. Jameson for answering the way I did and that im so unfocused because there is something I cant stop thinking about, that’s why I wasn’t paying attention in class. She forgave me and told me I didn’t have a detention because I had  the nerve to apologize. Thank the freaking lord. Im walking outside just as harry styles, the guy who everyone is afraid of, walks out at the same time. He looks at me, then quickly away. Ive never seen his face under his sunglasses . Ive never heard him talk either, apparently he has a really deep, raspy voice. And im not scared. I know I should be but im not. Why? Should I say something so I can hear him talk? No. let him go, hes weird anyways. I don’t even know him, who cares?

I get in my car and speed off. When I get home I storm upstairs, pissed off that I cant stop thinking about my damn dream. Im tired too so I decide to put my hair into a messy bun and put some sweats on and lay down. When I hit my bed im immidiatly asleep.

chapter 2: the dream

Im outside. Its raining. I cant see whats chasing me. Its getting closer.its a person. Hes wearing  black jeans,leather jacket , and boots. Wait. Is that…? No. cant be.its harry. The person who everyone is scared of, the person I should be but am not. I stop in my tracks and turn around to where I can see him. Is he trying to hurt me? Why am I running from him?stop. ask him. Talk. Say something. “why are you chasing me?” I ask with confusion.  No answer. I start to walk away, but he grabs my hand and turns me around so I face him. Our bodies only inches apart. Our mouths almost touching. Everyone says hes just the weirdo, bad boy. He brings me closer to whisper  something in my ear, “don’t ever leave me again”  then he takes my face in his hands and kisses my  lips softly, and says I love you against my lips. Its dark. Its raining. i know its not right to love him. i know my parents  would expect better if they cared.but at this moment in time, right now, here,it dosnt matter. Nothing does. i grip his soaking wet curls and make the kiss more pationate and i say it back against his lips. But i add “you are the only exception” he picks me up bridal style then lays me down in the mud and kisses me till the rain stops. Him. Nothing else in the entire world matters at this moment.

i wake up , sweat dripping off my head. i look at myclock , its 9:30 pm. Why has no one woke me up? I run downstairs to see if dad is home. No one. What? he's usually home by now. Whatever, I don’t care. I go back to my room screaming. Why the hell did I just dream about harry and me? At least now I know who ive been dreaming about since school started back in the beginning of august, now its almost September. I guess ive never really thought about harry like that. Ever. Hell, I haven’t even seen his face or heard him talk. But I have to get closer to him. I have to. I don’t know why, I just do.and I will. If I have the guts.

chapter 3:the fight

I walk through the doors to school and everyone is whispering about something.i don’t know whats going on. I walk to my locker and meledy, my best friend, comes up to me and says, “did you hear what happened?” I look at her like she had mustard on her face “no, what are you talking about?” I ask totally confused. “you know that kid harry? Well apparently he got in a huge fight last night and is in the hospital!! How did you not know?” I don’t know why but tears start running down my face. meledy  looks at me confused. She asks whats wrong but I don’t answer. I just walk out.i run to my car and speed to the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2013 ⏰

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