Ballerina's Shattered Ego

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This is a piece I have been working on for a while and thought I would share it with anyone who would like to read it. Please comment because your opinion matters. Thanks and enjoy!! 

A single spotlight clicked on, signaling my cue. Graceful as a feather, I performed an assemble, arabesque, to ange, saut del’ freely committed to the eternal dance.     

The sounds of clapping interlaced with the pure pleasure of the apocalyptic high I was feeling.

Twirling lights blinked like diamonds in the sky before my eyes, as I spun higher and higher.

The never ending climb drew me in like a moth to a flame, toward a peak that sent my adrenalin pumping onward.

The temptress’s embrace of the audience’s awe incited me more than I cared to admit.

Intermingled with a partners motivation built a golden arc to be suddenly achieved. So I reached for the dance’s ultimate prize which my predecessors tasted. 

For just a second I was there, I could feel victory the pure unequivocal pleasure of completeness.

As my hand reached out, my fingertips licked the edge of that moment.

The thrilling challenge sent bursts of ambiguous fire throughout my mind deceptively proclaiming, ‘Just a little higher!’

The melody changed, and with it came my one mistake, ego!

With a twist of the hand, the balance was lost, and I in my horror fell endlessly like a

mockingbird from a foreigner’s false embrace.

The once glorious high sent me crashing like a raging swell against the turbulent rocks.

I hit and shattered like a porcelain doll, my soul barren and vulnerable, unable to respond.   

The sounds of complete destruction reverberated mockingly in my ears as their awe turned to ash in my mouth.

The final curtain call’s malevolent kiss still lingers long after the horrendous act.   

The taste of bitterness is chalk. Thick and heavy is the scent of sweat as it hangs in the air around me like a weight binding me to the ground.

I stare enviously into the mirror with disillusioned eyes at that once glorious ballerina that had silk slippers.

I indulge myself, dip my fingers in the dream of yearning, and tasted of the bitter sweetness once more.

Antagonistic silhouette images reflected in the glass mimic and tease, as they twirl and jump like twin doe’s in flight, unaware the hunter of pride is watching.

A single shot rings true, taking on the sound of torment, of my grasping startled voice. 

My past, present and future collide in lights, fading transition, revealing blatantly to my sight the real me.

The woman reflected in the mirror traded in her beloved slippers for a pair of chrome wheels.

My forever prison.

A single tear slipped out for my petty injudicious retribution in error.

Never tango with fate.  I learned that the hard way.

Ego no more!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2011 ⏰

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