Prom? - A Niall Horan One Shot

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You and Niall have been dating for three wonderful months and your relationship is the envy of everyone at the school. You’re the hottest couple on campus, especially since he and his friends are the stars of the football team. Niall, along with Liam, Harry, Louis, and Zayn, have massive potential for going pro once they’ve finished school.

There’s just one problem. Prom.

Prom is in two weeks and Niall still hasn’t asked you. Although you know you’re going with him, your inner romantic was secretly hoping he would ask you in a big, showy way like in the movies. But it was okay. You really liked him, he really liked you and you were perfect for each other.

That’s all you would ever need.

That same day, you were sitting with your best friend in the cafeteria, enjoying your lunch, but missing Niall. He told you that he would be late to lunch because he needed to discuss the latest math homework with the teacher.

You glance up to see that everyone in the cafeteria has abruptly stood up and is now rushing out into the courtyard right outside of the lunchroom. Confused, you grab your best friend and push your way past everyone to the front of the crowd.

And there you see him.

Niall, standing on a bench with Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Louis. But that’s not all they were doing. All of them were shirtless (you take a moment to look over Niall’s gorgeous body) but with writing on their chests. Louis had a giant “P”, Harry had “R”, Liam with “O”, Zayn had an “M” and lastly, Niall had a massive “?”.

You look over at your best friend, confusion written all over your face, as she stands there giggling like an idiot.

Looking back up at the boys, you see that they’ve jumped down off of the bench and are making their way through the crowd. You see a flash of blonde hair over to your left as Zayn approaches his girlfriend Perrie. Glancing over to your right, you see the long, brown waves of Eleanor, Louis’ girlfriend. At this point, you assume that Liam and Harry went to go find their girlfriends as well.

Suddenly, he’s there. Standing right in front of you. In all his shirtless glory. Deep breaths you think to yourself. Focus (Y/N) you repeat over and over.

Staring up into his crystal blue eyes, you realize why you started liking him the first place. His eyes.  The way they always captured your attention, no matter if he was talking or not. You just couldn’t help becoming frozen under his gaze. His eyes were like nothing else you had ever seen, completely indescribable to anyone who hadn’t seen them. And no one knew his eyes the way you knew them. The way they sparkled when he smiled at you, how dark they got when get became angered, and how completely gorgeous they looked in the sunlight. No one would ever be able to understand just how magical and captivating his eyes were.

Niall grabs both of your hands in his much larger, calloused ones and looks into your eyes.

“Y/N,” he begins, “ever since I met you, I couldn’t get you out of my mind. At first, I thought it was simply because you had become one of my closest friends. I was always able to talk to you so easily and you never judged me for anything I ever told you. But over time, I realized it was something more than that. I don’t know how I ever worked up the nerve to ask you to go out with me and you can’t imagine my relief when you said yes. You’re such an amazing person and I’m just…me. I don’t know what you see in me and I probably never will. You’re the girl for me, Y/N, and I was wondering…” Niall leaves that sentence unfinished as tears start to build in your eyes.

The next thing you know, he’s down on one knee, in front of practically the whole school, and has his eyes locked on yours. Someone handed him a bouquet of red roses at some point and he’s gripping them like a lifeline, knuckles white and everything.

“Will you go to prom with me?” he asks, barely a whisper, clearly nervous.

At this point, you’re full on sobbing. Niall was absolutely perfect, how could he not see that? You had no idea what he saw in you, not the other way around!

“Yes, yes Niall!” you exclaim, practically flinging yourself at him as he stands up.

He’s laughing, you’re crying, all of his friends are slapping him on the back, and your best friend is standing off to the side, giggling like a mad woman.

How could this day get anymore perfect?

Standing there smelling your roses, you look up at Niall and he seemed to read your mind.

Leaning his head down, he brought his forehead to meet yours.

“Yes, I’ll go to prom with you,” you whisper against his lips, feeling the need to repeat it.

He smiled as he removed the roses from your hands and hands them to your best friend. Facing you again, he grips your hips again and closes the distance between your lips.

Standing there, in the middle of the courtyard, arms around each other, everything was exactly the way it should be and you couldn’t have asked for anything more. 

Prom? - A Niall Horan One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now