The Beginning

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All I see is blackness. Nothing, just the emptiness that surrounds me. I was pushed off a cliff by a man with a beard of power. His eyes seemed to have seen too much in one lifetime. I thought he was trying to help me, find a place to call home instead of looking beyond and dreaming of what could and couldn't be. I also thought he did this to rid me of existence, but yet I'm not dead. In the far of distance, my eye catches a light. Small, but growing larger with every blink. What that light is, is beyond my knowledge of understanding. Although, I had a dream quite familiar to this moment. Just when I started dozing off again, I plunged into the light and felt myself falling.High above the clouds I see people looking up from their work and care of the land, to see me, flailing my arms about trying to soften what could very possibly be my doom. I was nearly centimeters from skyrocketing to the ground when hands wrapped tightly around my body, hoisting me up and carrying me to a safer location. My head pounding, I saw what I could never believe. Two decades ago, there was a war between the gods. Everyone had thought it was a myth but here I am, starring at the faces drawn in every book and journal. They were the four heroes that saved us from the awful god of the Nether, taking the victory with a mighty jump off a cliff into the unknown abyss. Many landmarks were created by them. Most are in ruins, but some were still intact. Not one dent. My favorite one of all would most certainly be the grand tree. The name of it was long forgotten as the heroes' journey faded into the pages of legend and folklore. And even now, their faces hadn't aged a day, their armor quite different than the powerful diamond, they looked at me with the eyes and minds of heroes whose names no one has trouble remembering, Jericho, the first mate,Sonja, the landscaper, Tom, the potion master, and of course, everyone's favorite, Jordan, archer, red stone master, and leader of the four heroes. As I think to myself with satisfactory, I slipped into a long and peaceful sleep.

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