The Meeting

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// Hi!! Thanks for starting to read this weird fanfic that I was making. xD Each part will have a different P.O.V (Point Of View) This fanfic will include some cussing, so if you're not aloud to see that, I advise you to stop reading already. 

Gray's P.O.V

I sighed as I woke up then slowly sat up. "Great.. First day of high school..." I groaned then got out of bed then changed into the school uniform that we had to wear. I sighed then looked at the floor and slowly walked out of my room into my kitchen. I slowly started to make myself breakfast, but that's as soon as I heard a loud knock on my door. "Oh my god... This early as well.." I sighed then walked over to the door to see Juvia at my door. "Oh, great!! She's here.."  I thought as soon as I saw her, with a huge smile on her face. "Hello, Gra--" I already had enough of her, I slammed the door shut then went back to making myself breakfast.

~Time Skip~

I started to walk to school, carrying my ice blue backpack along with me. I sighed, hating the idea. As I walked into the school yard, there was a group of kids talking about a new "transfer student". I couldn't help but step in. I wanted to know who it was. "I heard his name was Natsu!" A green  haired girl  said with a smile. "It sounds like a cute name!" Said another girl with blue hair, just darker then Juvia's. "Natsu..."  I smiled hearing the sound of his name. I found it a nice name. I stepped out of the group of people. I didn't want people to know I cared. I sighed then I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around quickly, seeing the pink haired male. "Who are you and what is it that you need?" I said, trying to stay calm. I wanted him to hurry. I was going to be late for class. "M-My name is Natsu Dragneel.. I'm new here and I was wondering if you could help me.." Natsu asked. I ended up smiling, so this is him. I looked at him for a few seconds. I couldn't help but giggle, I found him kinda cute. "Sure.." I muttered, I didn't at all want him to know. Natsu ended up smiling though. I nodded then walked him to his locker that already had his name on it for being saved."There, you should be able to find someone that can help you in finding your class.." I muttered, feeling my face heat up from just being around him. "Alright!" Natsu said smiling then put everything in his locker. I ran into the boy's bathroom then sat on the sink. "God damn it, he's adorable!" I whined, my face was bright red. "I'll make him mine somehow.." I thought. I walked out of the bathroom, trying to stay calm and avoid him, but ended up bumping into him. "S-Shit!!" I was blushing madly. Natsu looked up at me and starting saying he was sorry and that it was his fault. All of a sudden, he noticed I was blushing. "Gray?" Natsu asked, he knew my name somehow. He must have asked for it after I helped him. "Y-Yes?" I stuttered slowly. "You're blushing.. While near me.." Natsu pointed out, although I already knew. "S-Sorry!" I gulped and ran to class.. "This is farrrr more then a crush.. I'm in fucking love... I already knew this student.. But I've changed so much lately he doesn't know it's me..." I thought while sitting down for class. As the teacher started to teach class I felt this strange feeling I never felt before. I wanted Natsu to be mine. "He will be mine.."  I ended up thinking. 

~TimeSkip Till After Class~

Natsu ran into me with a huge smile as he giggled when he looked up at me. My face turned bright red as giggled. "N-Natsu, shouldn't you be in the other class room right now? You class doesn't end for a while, doesn't it?" I asked, now a little worried about his grades. "Nope!~" Natsu said with a little giggle after he finished speaking. "Oh, alright.." I said under my breath. He smiled brightly as he hugged me lightly. My faced then turned super red as he hugged me. "This has to be my chance.." I thought as I pulled him into the boys bathroom. That's when Natsu's face turned a light pink full of blush. "G-Gray??" Natsu stuttered. I didn't reply. I knew I could have been freaking him out a bit, it was worth it though. I couldn't help but want to end up kissing him. I wanted him to know my feelings for him. "G-Gray! A-Answer me!! Please!" Natsu whimpered. I wasn't able to answer him though, I grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. Natsu's face turned bright bright red. I slowly pulled away, saliva connecting from our mouths. "G-Gray...?" Natsu whimpered, now wondering what just happened. Natsu covered his mouth. "G-Gray!" Natsu screamed, flustered. "Y-Yes, N-Natsu?" I stuttered."W-Why'd you kiss me?" He asked, shaking. I didn't reply, it was obvious wasn't it? "Wouldn't it be obvious? I love you.. It's not like it was your first kiss, was it?" I muttered.  Natsu hit me in the face. "I-IT WAS! I DIDN'T WANT IT TO BE WITH A BOY THOUGH!" Natsu screamed at me, his eyes starting to tear up, still shaking. "Well, I'm sorry... Although, I do love you, Natsu... That's why I was blushing earlier.. I was hoping that you would have notice that was the reason.." I sighed afterwards. "I was hoping just to hang out... But I guess that's not what you want.." Natsu said as he ran out of the bathroom, crying. I frowned and chased after him, now wishing I didn't do that. Natsu was hiding in my classroom. I walked over to my locker and grabbed my backpack then left the school. Natsu walked out of the classroom and walked over to my locker then watched me leave. "That was stupid.. Why'd I react like that.." Natsu sighed then ran after me. "G-Gray!" Natsu yelled, as I stopped and turned around I saw a smile on Natsu's face. I turned around but that's when Natsu ran up to me giving me hug. "Natsu, don't hug me unless you really love me." I growled. "I do love you though, Gray~" Natsu said with a light smile on his face. "Was this all a joke or is he really telling the truth?" I thought but then sighed and turned around and faced him. 

// Haiii!!! I hope you enjoyed that retardness of stupidity in love. (Yes Yes It Is VERY Stupid LOL) But.. BAIII

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