Chapter One

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"Congratulations, you are now certified to give CPR." The class of complete strangers gave a solemn round of applause followed by numerous thanks you's to the teacher. "Let's just hope none of you need to," there was a ripple of adult laughter, but it was clearly obvious everyone was itching to leave as quickly as possible.

I collected my note books and pens and exited with the others, eager to get out and away from the awkwardness of being the youngest class member. Once outside I waited for my mum to arrive as my own car was currently getting serviced, my foot tapped lightly at the pavement to generate whatever heat possible in the uncharastically harsh cold.

"Honey! Winnie!" I jumped out of fright from my place on the curb, to engrossed by my phone to realise my mum had pulled up. I quickly scurried to the slightly open door which mum had open slightly, "how was it?"

"Average. I got certified, so I'm pretty sure, I'll have to check with Cole, but I should have my first aid license," I beamed at her, she smiled back before quickly averting her eyes back to the road. The centre was a few minutes from our house so we sat comfortably in silence for the ride, I was thinking about the looming year ahead. In short, it was most likely going to turn out like every other year, good grades, good friends, terrible parties, no drama. My mind fluttered to the thought of Jacob, his beautiful green eyes darting all over my face like he does when studying someone's mood, I just wanted something exciting to happen and he could be apart of that.

Mum pulled the car into the garage, slowing to a halt as the windshield hit the tennis ball hanging from the roof. "Thanks for picking me up,"

"You're welcome sweetie, dinner will be ready in an hour." She spoke merrily, we parted ways as I headed for my room upstairs and her to the kitchen. I plugged my phone into a charger, thanking the heavens it hadn't died in time and promptly flopped onto my bed. My arms spread out like I was making a snow angel even though we were in a completely different season. I emitted a short sigh, mulling over what outfit to wear tomorrow, in the end I figured it would be better to do it in the morning rather than now and sauntered down the stairs to help with dinner.

When I got to the kitchen I saw that mum had already started and I smiled as I saw her busily chopping vegetables. 'So what's tonight's dinner?' I asked curiously, she turned slightly to look at me.

"Stir fry, wanna help?"

"Well yeah, don't I always?"

We efficiently worked together cooking up a storm.

"Dinner's ready!" Mum shouted to the rafters. There was a quiet bump from above followed by two sets of feet padding down the wooden stairs. We each took our respective seats whilst mum handed out each plate. She delicately sat down as it was apparent that dad was in a rather temperate mood, one where even the slightest kink of cutlery would set him off.

I flicked my gaze to my brother Brandon, his slightly scruffy hair flopped onto his forehead, his fork picking at his food in deep thought. I shrugged at the lack of any reaction and focused on my limp vegetables. A petite cough from my mother brought us all back onto Earth to at least act like we were some sort of happy, normal family.

"So... Aren't you both interested to hear about what Winter got today?" She asked, glancing between my dad and brother, receiving no response she pushed on like any mother would before being interrupted by my oh-so-subtle big brother.

"Nope." He grumbled, not bothering to look up from his plate.

"Well she can now do CPR... Anyone else got any news to share?" I could tell she was straining to keep from scolding him for his rudeness so as to keep the peace. Out of my peripheral vision my brother stirred as he straightened his posture, there was a wicked glint in his eye.

"I joined the Octagon." There was a low, unexpected growl from my father's end.

"You joined what?" My dad silently rose, his large stature towering over us all, "get out of my house." My brother quickly rushed to remove himself, "I don't want to see your disgusting, stupid, lying, smoking fucking face in my house." He shouted yet still receiving nothing from my brother who was upstairs packing his things. He glared at my mum who was pale white much like myself. My brother returned, a large, soft bag in one hand, his phone in the other and a rather stuffed backpack on his spine. After all of his years of disguising his emotions, he was doing a bloody good job right now, but being his little sister I knew that there was something bubbling deep inside.

"Thanks mum," he whispered, quietly my father wrapped his gigantic fingers around the edge of his plate, his arm retracting as quickly as a bug and thusly smashing it as hard as possible on the floor, the porcelain splintering into a thousand beautiful pieces.

"Get out!"

My mouth was agape as he strolled down through the hallway and out the door. My dad stormed up the stairs followed by a blistering slam of his oak bedroom door. I swivelled in my chair to my mum but I knew that we'd be left to clean up their mess. Mum sighed, cleaning up her and I's half eaten plates disheartedly, I packed the rest, shuffling to my room to well, I wasn't sure. 


First chapter done :)

It may be a little cliche, but hey, just a fun, nice read 

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