1. Haters

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Warning - repetitive swearing involved.

Hello and welcome to my first rant.


Fuck off.

Like I am not kidding, if you hate then just actually fuck off.

I am actually that sick of people hating.

They never even give any good fucking reason to hate on someone. 

If they did give a suitable reason to why then I might just leave it alone. 

But fucking no bitch. 

They have to go rain on peoples parades like actual little fucks. 

I just don't fucking get it.

Why can't they just keep their dirty hate to themselves.

I get it, it's ok to have an opinion, but you don't tell people:

- To go kill themselves.

- that they're worthless.

- That nobody loves them.

Because believe it or not, your comments could cause them to actually kill themselves or think that they're worthless or that no one loves them. Comments even like, you're ugly or I hate you or you're so annoying could lead to self harm.

So fucking stop it.

And you know what really fucking annoys me?

When people think that when your online you can say and do whatever you fucking want and it either won't hurt anyone or that there won't be consequences.

Well let me tell you that you are so so wrong.

It fucking hurts when someone tells you to go die in a fucking hole whether they say it by text or in person.

And if you feel no guilt or regret when someone starts cutting or goes and hangs themselves because of what you've said to them then you are a fucking monster

Or maybe you're just human.

So if you hate and you've just read this rant and you are still going to go out and hate then there is something terribly wrong with you.


Ahhhh that was good to let out.

I actually have so much more to say but  thought I should leave it at that.

Please read my other book 'Change', it'd be really good to get some feedback :)

Thank ya! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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