Ugly story

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Slate’s POV:

Oh… I had that dream again. 

I open my eyes, hoping to escape that terrible dream… No, not dream. Nightmare. 

It’s dark. But with my eyesight I (as always) have no problem making out my surroundings. Tough, it’s not like there is much to see anyways. 

I rub at my eyes with the back of my hand, trying to shake of the drowsiness still lingering after my nap. My shackles tinkling softly as I do so.  

As I push myself up in a sitting position, I yawn and rub at my aching stomach. 

Damn, I’m hungry! I think sourly and sigh, but there really isn’t much I can do about it. So I get to my feet and start walking around in circles, simply to have something to do. As I’m walking I start thinking about that horrible nightmare again, and how it for some reason keeps reappearing. Images of it start to pop up in my head, making a cold shiver go down my spine.   

Trying to distract myself from the horrible memory of that dream, I start inspecting the several chains that is currently tying me to this cell.  Just as I have done so many times before. I have two pair of shackles on me. One around my wrists and one around my ankles. And then off course, there is the chain around my neck which is again connected to the wall, keeping me in place. 

“Just like a dog” I hiss angrily to myself. Tough, I do understand their thinking. Originally I only had shackles around my wrists, but afterthat incident they suddenly realized how dangerous I actually was. And so they moved me to a confined cell, put some more chains on me just to be safe, and put me under the category Red.  

I smile as I think to myself; Serves them right. That’ll probably teach them never to judge someone by their looks again. Off course, I can understand why they would think that I was nothing to worry about by first glance. After all, I am a sixteen year old, horribly thin and filthy girl. And at that time I was only fourteen, close to my fifteenth birthday. Only my eyes gives you a clue of me being.. Well,different. 

I sit down again and put my head between my knees, and then slowly, I let myself drown in the memory of that incident.  

I was being escorted back to my cell after yet another injection. And already the pain was starting to kick in. The hallway we were walking through was cold and gloomy, but still better than the cell I spent most of my time in.Walking slowly, I was trying to enjoy my short time outside the cell which I was sharing with three other people. Desperately taking in the small glimpses I got to see of the outside world through the poorly painted windows.  But the guard would have nothing of it, so to make his point he pushed me a bit too roughly forward, making me fall on my knees and hands. 

Still being on all fours on the cold floor, my anger suddenly flared up. And all the horrible, painful things they had put me through, and the things they had done to me, came rushing back to me with such force that I was swept away by it. 

I had been deprived of my freedom, humiliated, tortured, used as a guinea pig and above all…. Above all, they had taken him away from me. 

I guess this was the first time I was somewhat happy for the so called powers they had given me. With speed no normal human should be able to move at, I was suddenly knocking the feet of the guard out from underneath him, surprising even myself. And already before he had hit the floor, I had moved behind him. Chains tinkling like mad, I lifted my hands above his head.  

This time it was his turn to be on all fours, I thought joyfully. And before he knew it, I was wrapping the rather long chain of my shackle around his throat and pulling.. Pulling, pulling, pulling. And throughout it all, from when his face was turning a darker shade of blue too when he went limp in my hands…. I was smiling. Yes, from start to end I was smiling this crazy, madman’s smile. And the thing is, even to this day… I know that if I got a chance like that again, I would smile once more.

After that, they saw it necessary to give me a punishment. So that I would never dare to do something like that ever again. But they didn’t know that what they did only made my hate for them burn ever brighter. They were only pouring fuel on the already burning fire.

Eleven times they whipped me, and eleven times I screamed out my hatred for them. 

I open my eyes again, sighing as I do so. After what I did they no longer saw it safe for me to be in the same cell as Jaime, Jon and Lucy. So as I mentioned before, they moved me here. Although they were annoying, it was nice at least having someone to talk to. In here I don’t even have that. 

For three years I have been locked up in this hell hole. I think while I lean my head backwards against the cold and hard wall. Will I ever escape? 

That’s when I hear the sound of the fire alarm going off.

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