Chapter 2

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As Sandra and I walk inside our math class there's no one in here yet. Thank god. Sandra still looking at me like I'm crazy because she caught me talking to myself. Obviously it's not me it's this damn shadow who can't seem to leave me the hell alone.

I feel my iPod goes off in my book bag, I pick up from the side of my desk and slide my hand on the side of the net to pull my iPod out. I don't understand how I have wifi though. I go to my notification and there is a new message on my messenger app.

New Message

Shadow: What was that you were thinking?

Me: What?

Shadow: You said that... You hope I leave you the hell alone.

Me: Are you reading my mind again ? What the fuck are you?

Shadow: For me to know and you to find out.

Me: Why the fuck you keep saying that? Just tell me.

Shadow: I can't!!! Now that's the end of this conversation.

Me: But why ?

Shadow: Bells about to ring and the teacher is coming soon.

Me: uuuuughhh 😡😡😡.

Shadow: See you around Beth 😜.

What the actual fuck is this ? He's playing mind games, I'll show him mind games. I slam my fist on the desk with a stare from Sandra. Great now she thinks I'm insane.

"Elisabeth.. Are you ok?" She ask, with a concern look on her face.

"Yeah I'm fine just a rough morning." I reply with a half smile. I wish I can hurry up and meet this damn boy already. His shadow is so evil, I hope he's more nicer.

Before Sandra can speak again the second bell ring and all the other students come storming inside the classroom. Mr.Styles joins the class with his brief case and his planner in his hands. He looks pretty young to be a math teacher, he's hot as fuck. His hair is up in a cute bun, he has on black tight ass jeans, you see his crotch print basically, his white tee is see through, and he has these brown heel boots on.

"Sandra do you see the teacher? I ask tapping her on the shoulder. She looks out of it she's probably drooling over the teacher already.

"Yeeeaahh.." Is all she can say. My guess was right I mean who wouldn't drool over him.

New message

Shadow: So you're drooling over the teacher?

This shadow can't be seriously messaging me during class, has he lost his freaking mind. Jeez I really hope I don't be saying this out loud. I ignore the messages, being that my iPod is in my back pack.

Shadow: So you're just going go ignore me? I guess you don't want to know who the teacher friend is.

Shadow: Ok I guess you don't.

Shadow: Stop drooling 😡.

Shadow: E.L.I.S.A.B.E.T.H !!! 😡.

Shadow: Answer.

"This fucking shadow guy is annoying as fuck, I take my iPod out my backpack because it keeps vibrating the floor being that it's sitting on the side of my desk on the floor. Once I have it in my hand, I quickly unlock the iPod going straight to my messenger app.

I scroll through the messages, and my eye catch this one message. What does he mean do I want to know who the teacher friend is ? Instead of overthinking I'm just going to reply and ask him.

Me: What do you mean about the teacher friend?

Shadow: Don't know what you're talking about.

Me: You just said do i want to know who the teacher friend really is.

Shadow: Oh about that... I don't really know.

Me: Uuuugghh you prick.

Shadow: Hey watch you mouth young lady.

Me: You're not my father.

Shadow: I'm not... But I'm your man crush shadow who you're dying to meet.

Me: Fine!!! 😡😡

Shadow: That's what I thought, now back to class.

With that said i locked my iPod placing it in my front pocket this time just in case he decided to text back. Sandra keeps glancing at me, she's probably wondering what is going on with me but I can't tell her, or they'll send that shadow away. But I still want to know how does he knows about the teacher friend?

These thoughts about this shadow are driving me insane. Once I meet the real him, he can go away. I wonder how will i meet him? God I'm just going to pay more attention to this hot teacher we have here.

"So today class we're going to do some multiplication problem. Get out your math book and turn to pages, 167 you can work with a partner as well." Mr.Styles says, walking back to his desk.

Sandra and I put our tables together to work on the multiplication problem. I can feel the shadow standing by the door watching me. This shit feels pretty fucking weird I hope he doesn't do anything to the teacher. If he does I'll tell everyone that I have a talking shadow.

I look from my math book to see if he was still standing by the door but I don't see him.

"Don't you even dare talk about telling anyone about me, or I'll make your life a living hell. I'll make sure you'll never meet the real me." The words falling from his mouth as he whispers in my ear.

I just nod my head and turn back to my lesson that I was working on with Sandra. All I can think of I can make your life a living hell. I can still hear him saying it, it's like his voice never left my ears.

I was no longer focused on my school work because of him. Why does he have to be so evil? I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't realized I was the only student left in the classroom.

" Ms. Robin, class is over." My teacher says packing up his stuff, putting it in his brief case.

" Oh god I'm so sorry Mr.Styles.. I was so out of it." I reply, packing my books in my book bag.

I just toss all my books in my backpack. I stormed out the classroom I looked around the school searching for Sandra but I can't find her. She must've went home already. Jee thanks to that fucking shadow, he says he can make my life a living hell... Guess what you are ass whole!! I shout.

I groan at the sound of his laughter i wish I can just run away. Poor Sandra probably thinks I'm crazy. I'll call her when i get home (Hopefully she'll answer.)


( Hey guys another update hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter. Please read,vote,and comment. And thank you for your reads if you're reading I really appreciate it. Love you guys)

The multimedia picture is the shadow itself of Niall's evil side.

See what happens as the book goes along.

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