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When she was born, a long black stripe ran down her face. She would always bark or nip as if she were communicating

with someone before she did something, and, was apparently a Malcadh. When she was first born, her parents thought the fact her right eye was half open was due to natural causes, a hard pregnancy, malnourishment, etc.  But as she grew bigger, her eye began to look... Different. It was always half closed, and would open a small amount if she were surprised or angry, but it was as if someone were holding closed her eye at all times. Now, lets continue in her perspective~

The relatively small, brown and black she-wolf crawled under a tree. Her sides heaved, she couldn't take this stress much longer. She had journeyed from the pack for a drink when she found out she didn't have a way back, as a small coating of fresh rain had began after she had finished drinking. So now, she was in her petite state. She continued to heave until a misshapen, small white and brown spotted he-pup slid out. He had a lump on his side. He quit breathing as she bent down to lick him. The next pup was much better, a small she-pup with a white mask on her face, but yet a black line following her nose and in-between her eyes. She had a black stipe down her back, the rest of her was brown. A calico, she  thought. Just like her father, Loki. Little did Poor Ivory, yes, that was her name, Ivory, Know; the obea was lurking in a bush nearby. Why had she not said anything? This obea was her step-mother. She loved Ivory very much and would never do anything to betray her. Sadly, she could not handle her burden any longer and revealed her self. A shocked half-yelp from Ivroy announced Midori's prescence. Midori moved slowly towards Ivory, dreading this moment. She picked up the now dead dotted pup. "I am so sorry, Ivory, this pup will have a good life in The Cave Of Stars". She promised as she  carried him off and set him down in front of a badgers den. As she walked past Ivory, she added, "I am sorry for my smell, but i will have to roll in elk-dung now that i smell like you." She sauntered off into the distance. "I would've named him Eversing. I had high hopes for him, the way his fur singed to me in the sunlight..." She said. " In honor of him, I  will name you Evelyn. Please outpace him by a string, for you are my only daughter." Ivory whispered.

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