Nikki ♥ Brandon

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"Hey! Wait for me!" Nikki yelled at her friends.

They all had just brought lunch from Crazy Burger and they were going to Theo's house to eat there and also talk.

"Oh come on Nikki! Like you can't go any faster!" Chloe groaned as Nikki gave her a 'death glare'.

"Oh please try to be a klutz like me..." Nikki said as she started walking faster. "... You'll understand the danger of falling any sec-" and with that Nikki slipped and all her food was in her.

"Great!" She said under her breath. She tried to move the food over her but she couldn't manage to do it.

"Hey, need any help?" A voice asked. Nikki looked up and saw her favorite boy in the world.

"I'd like that Brandon." She said as he helped her to stand up on her feet.

"You know, you have something on your face..." He chuckled. She looked at him with a smile.

"Yeah, probably my lunch.." She played along. He grabbed her hand.

"You know we can share my lunch." He smirked at her.

"Deal." Nikki said as Brandon handed her a napkin.

"You know I have this kind of napkins at my house." She cleaned her face with the napkin.

"I know, honey. We live together."  Brandon said as they start laughing their heads off.

"Lovebirds!" Chloe yelled. They suddenly stopped laughing. "Car, now!" She said as they started making their way there.

"You know I still wondering how do 6 people like us are still alive in a world like this..." Nikki said still holding Brandon's arm.

"Shhhh.... Don't make them start thinking my little burp." He softly kissed her nose. She looked at him and threw an angry laugh. Yes there is an angry laugh.

"I said cut it off with this nickname!" She laughed in an angry tone.


When they entered the car Chloe and Zoey grabbed Nikki by her hands.

"See, we told you!" Chloe said with a grin on her face.

"Told me what?" Nikki asked confused. They looked at her with a 'duh' look.

"That napkins and Brandon will be important to your life." Zoey said.

Nikki started laughing. Really hard. So hard that she almost fell. So hard, that she actually fell.

"Ow..." She said as she scratched her head in pain.

"You ok princess?" Brandon offered his hand.

"Never been better." She said and she grabbed his hand as he kissed it.

"I love you, you know that right?" He kissed her forehead.

"Of course I do. And I feel the same way." She said as she gave him a peck on the lips and then rested her head on his shoulder.

They couldn't care less that other 4 people where in the van, watching them.

They just stood there, looking at each other.

While Chloe and Zoey were fangirling of the cuteness.

And so did Marcus and Theo.

Da Napkin / Branikki / Dork DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now