Ice in English

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                                    Dedicated to @loly43

I had my earplugs in, quietly doing my English homework on my

bed when I felt a quiet noise pulsing through my room. I slowly

took my earplugs out, abandoning the comfort of "Me Myself & I".

The sound got louder and louder and I started to cover my ears

then a blinding light submerged my vision causing me to close

my eyes. Then everything went silent and my eyes snapped open

to see my room in flames, blue flames...


I looked down at my hands and screamed, there was blue sparks

coming out of them, my veins were a turquoise blue nearly

bursting out of my arms. I was freaking out, I mean my room was

burning in BLUE flames in broad daylight. I looked outside at the

people on the street who seemed oblivious to the flames. My

English was burnt to a crisp but when I touched  it, it was

ice cold. What was happening!


I knelt down and put my head between my knees. I tried to breath

slowly but they came out rapid and almost forced. I slammed my

hands down on the floor in frustration and was greeted by a slow

rumbling. I looked up and saw that there was a blue dome

around me, protecting me from the outside. I saw the flames

licking the dome but they couldn't penetrate its walls. I inhaled in

awe and fright, this definitely wasn't fake.


Before I knew I had passed out and when I woke it was way past

midnight. I looked out the window and saw a shadowed figured,

wait no, 5 shadowed figures, some human some animal. I felt a

faint buzzing in the back of my mind and a voice whisper, "We

have come for you, we know your talent, pack what you need, we

leave soon, do not tell your family and  you must leave alone, we need

YOU, April."


I hesitated, I didn't know these people yet they could help me

control this 'thing' that I had. So I dropped the contents of my

school bag onto the floor ans started to pack clothes, pictures of

my mum dad and little sister, Lily. I left a note saying that I would

be gone for a while and not to worry. I closed my bag and hoisted

it up onto my shoulder, I then carefully opened my window and

left the ruins of my room in in its icey blaze.


I let the fresh air tantalize my senses, I felt my veins lighten again

and sparks fly from my palms. I slammed my hands down on the

air in front of me and to my surprise a blue pathway spread out

to the front of the 5 figures. They all put their hoods down to

reveal their faces, I saw one face that I recognised, it's was Ivy,

my best friend," Thank goodness April, I didn't know if I could

keep my power from you anymore. We've never seen a power

like yours before, have we Alex?"

"Hmph" he said.

Gee thanks for making me feel welcome mate.

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