Chapter 4

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there was a long silence no one dared to speak.

"okay so that happened huh" lucifer replied shaking his head.

"mom are you alright?"

hercules asked as he reached and put an arm around mom who had her head in her hands

"no I mean yes I mean" she sighed.

" alright you three go pack a bag"

"but mom" lucifer asked

" no lucifer just do what I say"

'knock, knock'

"i'll get the door you three go pack" mom replied heading for the door.

She opened it with a sigh of relief.

" oh panama perfect timing." mom replied moving aside and letting my best friend in.

Panama has been my best friend since sixth grade. The way we became friends is quite a story. It was my first day at morgan elementary school and I was on my way to the principles office to get my schedule, when I heard screaming coming from the boys room. Me, being the person that I am, went to investigate and I saw a eighth grader named nathan norris about to dunk panama's head in the toliet. next thing I knew I was knocking out nathan's front teeth. me and panama have been friends every since. Well now he's like part of the family. The best way to describe panama well hes very impish. He has curly mocha brown hair and emerald eyes. He's not shy but he isn't exactly the most confident guy in the world but he makes up for it by being the best almost brother ever.

" mrs. dixie are you alright?" he asked

" no im not hera was just here"my mom replied placing a hand over her heart.

"mom he wont believe..." I began

" what lady hera was here what did she say!?" panama said fidgeting with his fingers.

"its time Panama its time to take them to krypt she said she could throw them off our trail but for two hours only." mom replied.

" mexi I told you to go pack please."

I nodded and ran to my room and grabbed my big hiking backpack and began throwing clothes and little odds and ends in it to the bag. As I was rummaging through my dresser I accidentally knocked my jewelry box off the dresser. It hit the floor with a bang and a balled up piece of paper fell out at my feet. When I unballed it I realized it was a letter.

My dearest little one I hope that when you read this you are not angry with me. I loved you, your mom and brothers but I had to leave you. You were in too much danger when I as around I couldn't bear the thought of you getting hurt again. I remember the first time I held you at the hospital you were so beautiful, so precious. I instantly fell in love with you. I wanted to shield you from anything that would cause you harm, however, I as unsuccessful. When the siren tried to take you I was so angry I couldn't control myself you got hurt in the process. I am sorry. I have enclosed a necklace that will aid you in your journey. I hope I will be able to see your beautiful smile soon. I love you my little one.


Inside the letter was a lightning bolt necklace. It was on a woven band the lightning bolt was blue and it seems to glow with power and as I look into the lightning bolt a memory flashed.

I was 1 or 2 I was just learning to walk and Zeus had taking lucifer, Hercules, mom and me to the park.

"mexi come to bubba" Hercules said

" no mexi come to luc cmon" lucifer said

I looked at them and then looked up to see Zeus. And I took a step and fell I got up and took another step and fell yet again and I took another step and this time I didn't fall I walked to Zeus and he hoisted me up on his shoulders and laughed.

"that's my girl."

"Mexi come on let's go hun."

"coming mom" I yelled

I ran to the door and my hand hovered over the light switch. I turned and took one last look at my room and I feared it would be the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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